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"Earlier you said, "I had to tell you even if you don't feel the same way anymore" what did you mean by that?"

"Well, I uh...I already knew you have feelings for me"

"What do you mean? How did you know? I've never told you, I only told Alex.


"So, you weren't asleep that night?" Kara asked to confirm what Lena just told her

"No! I was not" Lena answered correctly

"Why didn't you tell me you were awake?" the Kryptonian asked

"I uh...I'm not sure; I guess I was afraid that I wouldn't know what to say or how to respond" the Luthor responded with sincerity

"You know, I used to wonder how I would tell you my real identity and every time I had a chance to tell you, I just didn't" Kara mentioned

"Why didn't you?" Lena countered by asking

"I uh...I'm not sure; I guess I was afraid that I wouldn't know what to say or how to respond" Kara answered the Luthor's question by using her words

The two just looked at each other and smiled with eyes saying, 'i know what you mean'.

"C'mon let's go somewhere, out of  here" Lena proposed

"Since when are you so adventurous?" Kara asked, which was a good point because Lena Luthor proposing to go out was something out of the ordinary

"Since 'now' Kara Danvers, now c'mon take me somewhere, anywhere" the Luthor insisted

"Alright Ms Luthor your wish my command" Kara vocalised as she stood from her seat and walked towards the Luthor who was a few feet away from her

"Anywhere?" she asked

"Anywhere" Lena replied to confirm what she wanted

"Okay, whatever you say" Kara nodded and moved slightly to the right to grab a jacket

"What's that for? it's hot outside" the Luthor asked with curiosity written all over her face

"Where we are going is freezing cold dear. So, this jacket is for you, I don't want you freezing out there" Kara answered Lena's question effortlessly

"What about you?" Lena asked

"What about me?" Kara countered

"Aren't going to be cold?" Lena asked with concern on her face

"I don't feel cold or hot, I can regulate my body temperature whether cold or hot" Kara responded

"Well then you better give me the jacket" she replied as she walked towards Kara and grabbed the jacket from the Kryptonian's hands

With the help of Kara, Lena put on the jacket.

"So, where are we going?" Lena asked wanting to know where this particular 'freezing cold' place is

"It's a surprise" Kara declared with a mischievous smile

"Okay, won't say no more" Lena promised and walked to the kitchen counter to grab her phone

"You ready?" Kara asked her

"Yeah I'm ready" Lena claimed, which was not a lie because she looked spic and span, she looked ready for anything

"Okay then, come here" Kara commanded but it sounded more like a request

Without any hesitation, the Luthor moved closer to the Kryptonian

Kara took Lena's hands in her's

"Do you trust me?" Kara asked Lena as she looked deep into her green eyes

"Yes I trust you Kara Danvers" Lena professed as she added, "why do you ask"

The Kryptonian didn't answer her question vocally, instead, she took the Luthor's hands and put them on her shoulders

She looked into Lena's eyes once more

"If I ask you to hold on to me and don't let go, will you?" she asked with slight fear in her voice

"Of course I would" Lena communicated

"Okay then, hold on tight," Kara asked her with caring voice and warmth

A/N: Sorry this is quite short, but had to update. I haven't updated for a while now. I hope you are all doing okay and thank you all for reading

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