Lex Luthor part 2

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Previously on Supercorp// No more Secrets...Lex Luthor Pt 1

The heavy metal fell to the floor like it was nothing.

"Supergirl?" someone voiced from the other side.



"What are you doing here?" Lena asked

"I'm here for Lex, where is he?" the girl of steel replied as if everything was normal

"What do you mean you are here for Lex? the Luthor asked with so much confusion written all over her face

"We traced Lex's location to L-Corp, he is the one behind all this chaos in the city" Supergirl tried to explain what was going on

"Well you came to the wrong place, he is not here, so you can show yourself out" Lena instructed 

Hearing Lena tell her off, stroke a razor-sharp pain in Kara's abdomen, she was hurt to hear Lena bring her walls back up in a matter of seconds.

So she decided to leave, but before she left she remembered that no one was working today like usual, so she decided to ask. "Where is everyone else?" 

"All the workers are on paid leave" Lena answered briefly

"Do you mind if I ask what happened?" 

"There was a breach in our system, so I am making some changes and adding more security protocols" Lena answered like it was just another day at work

"What kind of breach?" Supergirl asked

"Someone tried to access my lab, and L-Corps security cameras went off for about five minutes which never happens" the Luthor responded

"Do you know who?" again the Super asked

"No! not really, i just thought it was someone i fired. Why?" she was starting to think it wasn't just a coincidence basing on the Super's questions 

"I think it's Lex" Supergirl suggested

"It can't be, I would know his signature code" the Luthor informed

"Not if he changed it so that you wouldn't recognize it" Supergirl disclosed 

Lena knew Supergirl had a point.

"Brainy, can you run through L-Corp system? check for any unusual logins or any unfamiliar activity in the past few weeks?" Supergirl asked Brainy

"There is a user named Sebastian, who logged in before the security cameras went off," Brainy spoke through the coms

"Sebastian?" Lena asked with astonishment behind her voice, not believing her ears.

"Do you know him?" Supergirl asked

"Yes. It's an alias for Lex. He was obsessed with him when he was young."

"You are sure it's him?" 

"I could never forget his obsession, trust me"

"Okay I'm going to need your help to crack the code, in order to find his base of operation because you know a lot more about Lex and the way he thinks more than anyone at the DEO" Supergirl stated

"I'll take that as a compliment" Lena responded.

"Hold on tight" Supergirl instructed Lena as she lifted her from the ground

"I hate flying" Lena pointed out.

"Well, we've got no choice" Supergirl replied.

2 hours later

Lena and Brainy had cracked Lex's code and traced it back to his location. Supergirl and dreamer including J'onn went to get him, because they were sure that Lex Luthor wasn't going down without a fight. 

But after a while, Lex was overpowered and was taken to the DEO for interrogation then to prison.

It had been a long day for everyone at the DEO, so they decided to depart to their homes for the evening to get some rest. Everyone had left except Kara and Lena. 

Kara was taking a shower while Lena was updating L-Corp's security measures using DEO resources because they were recently updated by Brainy and are more advanced. She had no idea that Kara was still at the DEO and neither did Kara know that Lena hadn't left yet.

When Lena was about leave, she heard a door open behind her.

"Oh! I thought I was the only one left" the Luthor said

"Yeah me too" 

Then suddenly there was an exchange of emotions, especially the 'i miss you and wanna make things work' but neither had the courage to go first. Until the girl of steel managed to put herself together.

"Before you go, can we talk....about..about us?" Kara asked longing for a response from the Luthor

"There is no us Supergirl, I thought I made that very clear," Lena said with some steel under her walls

Kara was sure that the pain she felt at that very moment was more powerful than kryptonite.

"Please Lena! give me a chance to explain why I hid my identity from you" she asked her again

"I'd appreciate it if you call me ms Luthor. And as for an explanation as to why you lied and used me, i don't want it, i already know what you are going to say. I don't need any more lies from you or anyone for that matter." 

"It wasn't a lie. Our friendship was never a lie. Nothing was a lie. Everything i said or did was never a l...."

"Save it Supergirl. I am tired and I have work tomorrow, I have to go."

The Luthor left and never looked back leaving the Kryptonian on her knees, heartbroken all over again.

Were they ever getting back to how they used to be?

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