Her weakness

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A week had passed since Kara and Lena saw each other, neither was doing great. They were out of sorts without each other. As much as Lena wanted to talk to Kara, she couldn't, she was still angry at her. She was having a hard time dealing with the mixed emotions of anger, love, loneliness and betrayal.

On the other hand, Kara was tired of waiting for Lena to forgive her, she was tired of waiting for the Luthor to come around, she was tired of Lena saying she already knew why Kara didn't tell her her identity. So she had decided that she was going to make the Luthor listen to her, whether she liked it or not.

Later in the day

The girl of steel landed at the CEO's office hoping she could talk to her, however, she was met with a wrecked office. The glass table had been defaced into pieces, the white couch they had their lunches was also vandalized, every piece of material either small or large in the CEO's office was destroyed. 

The Super was stroke with an unpleasant astonishment beyond words. A million possibilities to what had happened to the Luthor surged through her mind, however, none of them was pleasant.

Before she left to find the Luthor, she saw a note.

"Hello, Supergirl. Come to 4th E Plaza without the DEO if you want to save her. If you bring the DEO along with you, we will kill her. Come alone"

Without giving it a second thought the Kryptonian was on her way.

At 4th E Plaza

"Welcome Supergirl and thank you for joining us" 

"Of course it's you" supergirl mouthed with no surprise that it was the one and only Lillian Luthor 

"I mean who else would kidnap their own daughter just to get to me?" she asked rhetorically 

"We are at war and when at war we must use every resource available." Lillian pointed out

"She is your daughter, not some expendable object" Supergirl screamed at her

"No she is a valuable resource, she is a weakness. She is your weakness Supergirl I've seen it several times, I have been watching you." Lilian said

"You've been spying on me?" the Super asked with disbelief

"Well, you need to know your enemy in order to beat them. Especially using their greatest weakness"

The two hadn't realized that Lena had woken up until she spoke up

"Supergirl what are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to you at your office but I couldn't find you and the office was trashed, then I found a note from Lilian" she briefly explained

"Oh hello, mother. So I'm guessing you are the one who sent your goons to kidnap me?" 

"It was merely a kidnaping" Lillian defended

"What would you call it then?" 

"I'd say, acquiring a valuable resource to get Supergirl's or in this case kara's attention" 

"Of course you know who she is," Lena said not at all surprised

"Okay, cut the smug Lilian" Supergirl was tired of listening to Lilian talk

"Let her go" Supergirl demanded

"Oh no she is not going anywhere, she is going to help us get what we want" Lilian responded

"And what is it that you want?" she asked

"You of course"Lillian answered

"You already have me"

Lilian smirked before answering the Kryptonian

"We are going to need a powerful motivation for you to cooperate Supergirl and Lena has proven quite useful"

Supergirl was tired of Lilian's games, she clenched her fist but as soon as she was about hit Lilian she felt an agonizing pain stab her in every cell of her body. 

"I forgot to mention, we also took the kryptonite from Lena's lab. Thank you by the way" Lilian stated

As soon as Lena turned to look a Supergirl, she felt guilt, regret and pain for making something so powerful that can end the Kryptonian's life.

"You made kryptonite?" Supergirl asked with incredulity

"I'm sor.." she was cut off by Lilian's henchman who was about to take her to a cell

"Wait!" Supergirl demanded

"You want me, not her. Let Lena go, I'll stay and I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt her"

"How do we know that you'll do what we want after she is gone?" Lilian asked

"I guess you'll have to trust me on that because if you hurt her, I definitely won't cooperate and trust me when I say that" Supergirl promised Lillian

"Let her go" she demanded

"Okay, but if you try anything I'm sending someone after her" Lilian reassured the Super

"You won't have to" she affirmed Lilian

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