Not just Yet

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Lena had just been dropped off by Lillian's goons at her building, she couldn't think straight. The fear for Kara's life was coursing through every cell in her body, so she decided to call Alex.

After about four calls Alex picked up.

Alex: hello

Lena: Hey Alex, it's me, Lena

Alex: Lena, what's up? you don't sound good

Lena: Alex it's Kara, they took her and I think something bad is going to happen, you have to find her Alex...

Alex: Lena calm down and explain slowly

Lena: Okay okay

Alex: Okay now what happened

Lena: It all started yesterday when I left the DEO after having a heated conversation with Kara. So I went home then headed to bed, then this morning I left for work but my mother's goons were waiting for me, they had trashed my office. They then took me to this place, I don't know where but it took almost fifteen to twenty minutes to get there. They kept me there for a couple of hours but I was out the entire time. Then I heard mother and Kara and that was when I woke up. I found out that mother kidnapped me so that she could get to Kara, she also wanted to keep me there, apparently, I'm a 'useful resource,' that's what she said. She wants Supergirl to do something, something bad because she wanted me there for motivation which means that it would be hard to get Supergirl to do her bidding. But Kara wouldn't let her use me, so she made a deal with mother.

Alex: What was the deal?

Lena: for me to go and for her to stay. She gave herself to the devil herself for me Alex and I don't know what will happen to her. This whole time, I was so mad at her, I didn't even give her a chance to tell me why she didn't want me to know her identity. I pushed her away, and now I don't know what's going to happen.

Alex: Lena you can't think like that. I know it can be hard to hold on but please don't give up hope just yet. Please hold on, hold on for Kara

Lena: I'm trying

Alex: I know, I'm trying too. But we'll find her okay?

Lena: okay

They ended the call and Alex went straight to the command operation while Lena started pacing in her office not sure what to do. She was worried about her best friend. She felt sad and sorry, sorry that she didn't give Kara a chance to explain and sad that she might never have a chance to tell Kara her secret. A secret that she has been keeping from the day they met, a secret that would change everything for them. She tried to reassure herself that everything would be okay, that Kara will be fine but she wasn't sure she believed it herself. 

At the DEO

Alex was full of it. She was tired of being told that Supergirl's earpiece couldn't be traced or "I can't find her anywhere, she is off the radar".

"No one can be erased in over two hours people. She is somewhere out there, so find her!" Alex called out.

She was frustrated, angry and mostly worried. Worried for her sister, she was worried that she wouldn't be able to get to her little sister in time to save her. She needed to release her anger and frustration somewhere or something before she bit off someone's head off, she decided to go to the training room where J'onn was sparring.

After about thirty minutes, Winn ran to the training room to find Alex and J'onn.

"Guys? I found Kara" Winn yelled with excitement

"Where?" Alex and J'onn asked in unison

As Winn gave them a location, they immediately left the DEO to bring their hero back home.

When they got to the given location, they were met with a sight that they weren't prepared for, a sight that they weren't expecting, the most awful sight.

"Kara?!" Alex cried out

The girl of steel was lying on the ground, blood everywhere. She was no longer breathing, no pulse, no movement, NOTHING! 

The sight left them nothing but sorrow, grief, anger confusion, sadness, misery, regret, despair, gloom, heartache and broken hearts.

"Do something! please! Kara please do something. Move your hands, Kara, please. Come back!" Alex sobbed

"Alex!, we have to go back. We don't know who's here" J'onn uttered his voice breaking


J'onn immediately grabbed Supergirl and Alex in his hands and flew them back to the DEO.

As they arrived, everyone was waiting for them with their mouths and eyes wide agape with no words spoken but tears shed. The moment they saw the fallen hero in J'onn's hands, you could see the hope in their eyes fade away like the wind just swept away the sand along the beach. 

No one knew what to do or say. However, Alex wasn't ready to say goodbye to her sister, not just yet.

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