We're Here

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"Are you guys still fighting?" he asked under his breath knowing the Kryptonian could hear her

"yes. no. I don't know. We haven't really talked." she said,

"do you want to?" Winn asked

"want to what?" she evasively asked 

"do you want to talk? With Lena I mean?" he asked clarifying his question

"I don't know, I'm not entirely sure I want to.

"why not?" he asked as he moved to grab her hand as they walked to the side of the room because of the noise around them

"I don't know how to move past it. I've tried to, but I can't. I still replay it every time in my head"

"Kara, it's not something that will just disappear in a day or two or even weeks, it's going to take time and maybe you not talking about it is not helping" Winn gave his perspective on the matter

"Maybe." She only said

"So?... are you going to talk to her? She's right there" he said pointing towards the back of Kara, but Kara didn't bother to look back

"what would I even say to her?" she asked as she fidgeted with her glasses

"how about, 'can we talk?'" he said sarcastically but they both knew, it was reasonable beginning

"Yeah, you're right," Kara said

There was silence between them before Winn spoke.

"Do you love her?" he asked her blankly

"Yes" the Kryptonian answered without a doubt

"Then what else is there?" Winn asked,

"Heartbreak?" she stated firmly with a question mark, but it was more of a statement, Winn went silent, seeming to contemplate whether or not to say what was on his mind

"Kara?" he started, "you of all people know that love hurts. It is the biggest lie out there. Love heals, love makes people whole again and love fills them with the good-ness they need to be as kind and loving as their Creator intended. What hurts is betrayal, thoughtlessness, uncaring attitudes and careless gossip. What hurts is people being unfriendly, not welcoming a new person to a neighbourhood or making "exclusive" cliques that are defined by who is 'not welcome'. What hurts is bullying, harassment, selfishness and greed.

Love on the other hand is the greatest gift mankind ever received, a gift that lives on within us all. Love is a gift that needs nurturing - it is the truth within us that knows life cannot be given a price tag. Love knows to be kind and never to hurt or kill. Love knows to treat your neighbour as yourself. Love is what we crave from birth, a craving that must be met by our new and loving earth-bound family. Love knows that life is worth more than a pair of new shoes or designer makeup. Love is what can save us, make us fully human again. And I'm very sure Lena loves, just the way you love her"

"Did you secretly become a poet and didn't tell anyone?" Kara asked clearly evading what Winn had just said

"Nope, but it's something you once told me, not exactly the same but it's what you told me when things got rough with Siobhan"

"thanks Winn, you're a true friend" she only said

"Kara?" Winn called


"She's coming" Winn murmured, "who is?" Kara asked

"Uhh...Lena. Lena is coming"

"What!?!" she asked with gritted teeth and glaring eyes which prompted Winn his departure

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