A Tie

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3rd person pov

Vega: This crucible was the weapon of a man from generations ago. He supposedly used it to slay Titans, but it broke so he went to repair it... that was the last time it was seen. How have you come into possession of such a thing?

Y/N: I just... had it around the house. Must've picked it up at a garage sa-

The teen was once again whacked by the bamboo, making him yelp in pain as he held the back of his head, being met by the blank stare of the old man who clutched the punishment tool tightly.

Vega: Lying is no way to live your life

Y/N: Alright, fine. My grandfather left it for me- how do you know about all this anyway?

Vega: I have lived a very long time, and in my life i've learnt and experienced more then one person should, and seen what they can do...

Y/N: They?

Vega: Ah, forgive me. I'm rambling. It's late so take your Crucible and come back tomorrow

The teen nodded slightly but heard something making him turn his head towards it only for the roof to come caving in on the both of them, dust being kicked up while some of the wood landed in the fire

Outside the shrine stood someone in a Kuoh uniform, a sword resting by his hip. He went to leave but stopped when seeing someone of the debree being lifted, Y/N was dragging Vega out, scratched up.

His eyes landed on the perpetrator, immediately recognizing him as Kiba. The teen's left arm was surrounded by his sacred gear while the flames kicked up in intensity.

Y/N: The hell's wrong with you, trying to kill an old man like this!?

Kiba: My target is the both of you. Forgive me, but my King demands it

As Y/N flicked out his wrist, his blade popping out, Kiba rushed over and shoved the pommel of his sword into the teen's stomach, making him hunch over as his eyes widened in shock.

He tried to swing his arm up to cut him, but Kiba drew his sword and blocked faster then Y/N could see. His teeth gritted as the shoulder turret aimed at the Devil, trying to burn him.

However he ducked and planted his feet in the teen's stomach, using his hands to support himself as Y/N landed in the burning rubble of the smith. Walking over to him, Kiba went to stab down.

But he was cut off upon being whacked across the face with a lit piece of wood, the Devil stumbling back. Y/N got up, his blazer having burnt off before charging forward, tackling Kiba.

They were sent down the long set of stairs, stumbling further and further until the teen shoved his wrist blade into a step, managing to stop him although the Devil did the same with his sword.

Y/N: You wanna kill us!?

He held out his arm, channeling his magic to make the shotgun which appeared in his hand. The two stood up as Y/N pumped it, a shell getting ready as a small reticle popped up.

Y/N: You gotta be able to even hurt me first!

Aiming he fired a shell which Kiba slashed but exploded upon impact, causing smoke to kick up. Seeing this the teen did it two more times, another two small explosions following.

From the smoke the Devil rushed out, leaping into the air he dodged a shot and landed behind the teen where he plunged his sword into the ground causing a sea of blades to come shooting out the ground, cutting at his legs.

Flinching Y/N looked to Kiba and tore off the barrel of his shotgun, a new one appearing in his free hand which he affixed. Firing the shells came out like a full auto gun, causing the Devil the spawn a wall of swords.

They protected him for the most part, a few breaking away so he made a second sword  and ran up the sword wall, kicking himself down to Y/N who raised his left arm in defence, causing sparks to fly when blade met armour.

Briefly entering a power struggle the teen tried to shoot at him but Kiba kicked the gun away and made the teen stumble back where he shoved his sword through Y/N's side, a cry of pain escaping him.

Kiba: You're skilled for a human. If only it wasn't like this

As Y/N held the blade with his right hand, trying to prevent it from going in further he swung his other sword which was caught by the teen's armoured left hand, a pained smirk appearing on his face.

Y/N: Wanna know what else i can do!?

He let go of the sword through his side, letting it go deeper as he yelled out, using his right hand to crack Kiba across the jaw, tossing him back before all the swords on the ground disappeared.

Panting he grabbed the sword and whined faintly, instead breaking it while made the pieces fall out of him, the teen falling to his knees while clutching his side which bled heavily.

Slowly he pulled himself toward Kiba, soon being above hin as his knees were pinned in his hands, preventing him making anymore weapons, Y/N quickly punching him again.

Y/N: What are you? Tell me!

Kiba: I-I won't give up secrets

Y/N: Guess i'll have to rip them out of you. R-Rip... and te- No!

He landed his fist beside Kiba's head, feeling his hand shake as he desummoned his Sacred Gear. Raising his arm he clenched his fist, gripping his collar tightly with a frustrated expression.

Y/N: You're a Demon... what did you mean by King?

Instead of answering Kiba shot his head up, headbutting the teen whch made him fall back, the two battered and bruised, too sore to continue fighting so the Devil slowly sat up, holding out a hand.

Kiba: T-Truce... i won't attack you if you won't

Y/N: So you try to kill me, and you want to give up? How can i trust you?

Kiba: You'll just have to trust me...


Rias: Don't beat yourself up about it. It seems the Fallen problem is worse then i thought

Kiba: I believe it's best that we leave the two alone for now and focus on that instead

Rias: Actually, i have a solution. Meet your fellow knight and newest member

Asia: Wh-What?! Really?

The teen nodded as Asia healed him, the wounds he endured closing which was relieving to no degree, the pain that once was there faded away making him let out a sigh of relief.

Y/N: Let's just hope he keeps to his end of the deal

Asia: What were doing at the shrine anyway?

Y/N: Getting this fixed

Reaching into his bag he pulled out the crucible. The former nun paid attention to it, spotting a marking on the hilt which made her raise an eyebrow as why it was there.

Asia: The mark of the beast...

Y/N: The-The mark of what, sorry?

Asia: Oh. It's just something i learnt of, i'm pretty sure this is just for decorative purposes though!

She just smiled at him, making Y/N nod slightly as he placed it away, cautious as to what this could actually do or why it was made in the first place. Finally being fully healed he sat up only for there to be a red light appearing in the corner.

They turned, seeing a very pale being step through it, his head having two large horns sticking out the top, two more around the back which circled to the front and a small row going down his head.

His mouth was covered and his armour was very gladiatorial but being coloured a deep green. Parts of his chest was exposed, with dark purple veins jutting out from where his heart would be and the mark of the beast emblem sat on his belt.

Y/N: What the...

?: Usurper

(Lemme know what you think)

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