Brief Allies

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(Just three chapters ago i was asking to get 10k reads, now we're at 15k... shit man.)

3rd person pov

Y/N: What's going on...?

Looking around he felt he was in some kind of void, the floor beneath him feeling empty like he wasn't standing on anything. From behind he heard padding footsteps, making him turn around.

The teen watched, seeing the green spectral wolf walk along while it's eyes never left him. Just above it's left eye a red marking appear, one he'd seen before in a weird dream/whatever it actually was.

A flash eminated making him cover his eyes, the footsteps becoming heavier as he felt something or someone come closer. Lowering his arms Y/N saw a tall man, wearing dark green armour.

It was impossible to see his face through his helmet but if it was, Y/N would be able to feel their eyes staring into his soul. Taking a step back the teen watched cautiously, only for the armoured man to turn.

Just ahead of the two some kind of vision appeared, showing someone running forward to the fight he was just watching before coming here, looking through some kind of visor.

In the real world Kokabiel grabbed the side of the Marauders shield and threw his other hand to the side, going to form a light spear only to get shot causing him to grunt and hop back.

Turning the Pale Demon saw Y/N although due to Rias meddling with his mind he didn't see him as the Slayer anymore so he just looked back to the Fallen as he pulled a shotgun from his side.

Marauder: His life is mine to take. If you deny me this, you'll be next

The teen just nodded as a shotgun appeared in his hands, soon cocking it as the Fallen growled and snapped his fingers, causing a light spear to fire towards the two marked with the beasts symbol.

However an ice bomb fired from Y/N's shoulder turret, the two colliding and causing steam to kick up. Charging forward the Maruader pulled his axe back for a swing as he dashed through the steam.

Coming out the otherside he lept up, slashing towards but Kokabiel caught it. The two having a brief power struggle so Y/N rushed in and threw a hook with his left hand that the Fallen dodged.

Seeing this from a distance Kiba planted his hand on the ground, using his Sacred Gear to birth a sword by Y/N's free hand which he pulled out and swung, nicking the Fallen across the cheek.

They both booted him in the stomach, sending him skidding back but to prevent anyone else from joining in he summoned Cerberus, the giant wolf attacking Rias and her Peerage.

Kokabiel: A human and a disgraced Night Sentinel think they can stand up to me!? Know your place!

In response the teen fired three explosive rounds at the Fallen who flung his arms out to the sides along with his wings, tossing the shells into the air where they exploded so the Pale Demon swung his axe.

An energy wave shot out causing Kokabiel to fly up so Y/N dismissed his shotgun and summoned the chain gun, quickly planting the sword in the ground he aimed up, the three barrels splitting apart and letting loose a hail of bullets.

An anger growl came from the Fallen who soon began to fly off to the side, dodging it all. Quickly the Marauder ran forward and lept up, slashing upwards but missed thanks to him quickly pushing back a bit with his wings.

Due to this the Pale Demon pulled out his double barrel and fired, catching Kokabiel in the inside which was followed up with the chaingun's bullets ripping through a few of his wings.

As he watched the Fallen... fall, Y/N pulled the sword from the ground and tossed it like a Javelin, piercing into Kokabiel's wing. Both supernatural beings landed at the same time, but one landed om their feet while the other fell on their side.

Their attention was briefly drawn to a bright blue light, the source being Kiba who had ran down to combat Freed and his fused Excalibur. What looked like a handful of souls surrounded him while a new sword formed in his hand.

Thanks to them being distracted Kokabiel rushed forward and closelined the Marauder, sending him backwards through the air. Rolling as he hit the ground the Pale Demon saw Y/N pass him by who created the shotgun once more.

Using the flame belch he tried to burn the Fallen who dodged and raised a knee, knocking the shotgun so it aimed upwards a missed but as he tried to catch a oncoming punch the teen's hand dipped.

It was going to miss if it didn't have a second purpose, the wrist blade quickly jutting out and piercing swiftly through his palm. In a quick movement Y/N pulled his arm upwards, tearing the hand in two.


He was cut off when the teen knocked him across the face, falling to his knees. Going to kill him Y/N aimed his gun only for the Marauder to knock him to the side, the two looking to eachother.

Neither was willing to back down, so they both began to raise their weapons only for Kokabiel to be swept up by someone causing everyone to look over, seeing a man in white armour flying in the air, holding him up.

The armoured man just looked to those on the ground before disappearing as fast as he appeared. Turning his gaze over to Kiba the teen saw he had slain Freed and the fused Excalibur had been broken.

Nodding slightly at him he began to walk away while Rias looked over and went to mess with the Marauder's mind but Akeno grabbed her wrist, causing her to look over to the Queen.

Akeno: Please... no more fighting today

She paused before pulling her hand away, soon looking to where Y/N was only to see he had vanished as had the pieces of Excalibur making her growl in frustration and storm off back to the ORC building.


Xenovia: Thank you for this. It would've been alot harder without your help

Y/N: Well, you still need to keep your end of the deal anyway

Irina: We know, although you seemed to handle Kokabiel well enough when them

Y/N: To be honest, i don't remember what actually happened. I just blanked out

He rubbed the side of his head, lying as he was basically a passenger in his own body. Glancing back to her partner Xenovia thought for a moment before turning fully, hanging her all the pieces.

Xenovia: I'll stay to help deal with their problem. These need to get back to the Vatican as soon as possible

Irina: Are you sure?

Xenovia: Yeah. Shouldn't take too long anyway

Hesitating Irina looked between the pieces and her partner, soon hugging her so she hugged back, the two staying in the embrace for a moment. Backing away she took the pieces and just nodded at her.

She nodded back and watched her leave only to turn around to face Y/N and Asia although the former nun was looking down to her feet, not as optimistic as the other two about doing this.

Y/N: ...What's up?

Asia: I-I'm just worried. If you two beat that Maruader guy, who's to say that's going to be the end of this?

Xenovia: How so?

Asia: Rias will probably just come after us again, s-she'll do anything to stop the "Slayer" and that means getting rid of us

Hearing footsteps come over she looked up from her feet, seeing Y/N who placed a hand on her shoulder and offered a faint smile to the former nun which made her pause.

Y/N: Then we'll fight. You too... after all, you promised you'd protect me one day, right?

Asia: B-But, i-

Y/N: And besides, once this Crucible is fixed, i'm pretty sure no one would want to mess with us

Xenovia: Actually i think i have an idea of how we're going to do that. But first, we need to find that old man you spoke of

(Lemme know what you think)

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