Forging Process

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Vega: I'm afraid i can't do that, not with what i have available

Y/N: Well, how can you fix this then?

Letting out a breath the old man looked to the Crucible which was sitting on a surface in front of them. He scratched his chin in thought, slightly annoying Xenovia who hoped he'd get to telling them already.

Vega: The blade is made from pure energy, only found in a few places. Neither of them are easy to access, the first being a realm called Argent D'Nur, home of the Night Sentinels and the other being Hell

Xenovia: And what is this energy, if it's found in Hell?

Vega: I doubt it's something you'd want to know. But as i said, there's nothing else i can do

?: You're right on both fronts. But there's something i can do

Hearing the voice they turned to see a man, his body less man though as it seemed to be intertwined with machine which confused the hell out of the trio but he simply raised his hands.

?: I come here to help, a mutally beneficial act. I can help you get access to Argent D'Nur, but you must fill this up with the energy you find there

It took Y/N a moment as he recognized the voice but couldn't pin point where he had heard it from. But when he took out the Demonic Crucible he remembered, the man he saw in a dream/vision/probable drug induced hallucination.

Xenovia: Great, another person who just appears and wants to make a deal

Asia: Wh-Who are you?

?: My name is Dr. Samuel Hayden, and what i do, i do for the good of humanity... to think the Slayer's descendant is someone like you

In a quick movement Y/N created a shotgun and aimed it at the "Doctor", not hesitating as the old man stepped back to keep away from the commotion although the expression on Samuel Hayden's face didn't change.

Y/N: You're just gonna backstab us. I'm giving you five seconds to leave. 5, 4...

Samuel Hayden: You are not the first of your lineage i have approached, we should help eachother out

Y/N: 3, 2-

Samuel Hayden: You're the only one who will be accepted into Argent D'Nur. And i'm the only one who can get you there

Y/N: ...I'm listening

Samuel Hayden: The Slayer was not born there, but he was accepted as one of their people. You are descended from him, therefore you have a place there. All i ask is that you refill this Crucible with the energy so humanity may continue to prosper

Slowly the teen lowered his weapon and grabbed his Crucible, putting it away despite being highly cautious of the Doctor. He too put his own away before turning around and walking out.

Samuel Hayden: Come. There's no time to waste

Asia: I seriously don't like this...

Xenovia: Me neither, something about him is just, weird


Samuel Hayden: I have enough energy remaining for one round trip. No mistakes

Asia: Why do you need this energy anyway...?

Samuel Hayden: Humanity does not know of the supernatural, not by choice but by force from those beyond their control. I help fight back against the forces, although their forces grow stronger each day

Xenovia: That's ridiculous. Heaven does what it needs, never interfering with humanity

Samuel Hayden: That's the front they put up. But enough, are you ready, descendant?

Until It Is Done: Highschool DxD x Male Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now