Chapter 34

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The snow was like white rain, slowly falling outside the window of the shop.

I looked down at the box of chocolates on my hands with half regret. Aiden would probably panic when he realized that I was gone.

It's fine, right? To leave him behind. . .with that maid and her daughter.

After stumbling across with the prince's maid, she bribed me giving a gold coin and whispered, "Princess, I heard that you love Kook's chocolates. Why don't you go and buy yourself some."

In short, she said, 'Don't be a nuisance and leave.'

I released a sigh. I'll be in trouble in the future if I'm easily swayed like this just because of a chocolate.

The snowfall was getting heavier that I decided to go back to the palace alone rather than to look for Aiden.

But I was still far from the palace wall. I walked bend over from the cold as my skin becoming icy. My face stings against the cold wind.

I looked around. I need to find somewhere I could shelter for the meantime. Somewhere warm would be great.

There's an old church nearby but I doubt that someone's living there. I was about to turn when I saw a man carrying a child. The boy was struggling to escape while he opens his mouth as if he was screaming but the sound was weird.

The streets were almost empty because of the snow that no one saw the two entered the church except for me.

I turned without any much thought and walked away from the crime scene. I wouldn't be able to help the boy if I went there, it might as well harm me for doing so.

I'll just have to find a guard and—

"You'll report it to the guards, aren't you little one?" A man crept behind me. "I don't think I'll let you do that. How about you come with me quietly so no one would get hurt?"

If I run there's a high chance that I'll get caught and even hurt myself.

Pursing my lips into thin line I nodded stiffly and turned to face the man.

"Smart move. I thought that you'll run away," the man said as he plays with a dagger on his hand. He then quickly hid his weapon when a woman passed by. "Come now little one, it's time for our daily prayer."

The woman glanced towards us.

I forced myself to move and said, "Let's go, father!"

Abandoned Princess [Old version]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ