Chapter 68

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I don't really have a plan. Even if I want to avoid the heroine at all costs someone will point their finger at me and blame me for all the baseless rumors about the mistreatments that the heroine will face.

As the villainess it's inevitable.

I swapped my other hand and continued to turn the handle as the two chickens spin under the burning oak wood. A very slow cooking that I immediately regretted. I should have just thrown it in the oven with the cookies and not give a damn if the smell mixed together.

Bwi was miserable as I am. Under the hot summer weather, we rotated every ten minutes.

Today was the Summer Festival and most of the servants were given half to a whole day day-off making the kitchen unoccupied. Someone might stop us if they saw us so we hid behind the Moon Palace cooking the chicken and smoking some salt and cheese for the salad.

Today was the Goddess of Light self-proclaimed birthday. And today the heroine will arrive.

I couldn't feel my arms after the chickens were finally cooked. The door from the kitchen opened, standing inside was Mykel.

"This is where you two have been all along?" He asked as he eats the familiar dessert on his hand. "These cookies sure are delicious."

"Shouldn't you be with your wife right now?" With numb limbs, Bwi and I took the roasted chickens inside the kitchen.

"Well. . ." Mykel quickly took them and placed it on the table. I slapped his hand when he tried to take another cookie that was cooling on the rack.

"Sonova—!" Five cookies were already missing with only a dozen left. Grumbling I pull the cookies far away from him. "This is why you and your wife fight all the time."

"Sonova?. . .But this time I have no idea why she suddenly gave me a cold shoulder. We already made plans for today but she shut herself in our room shouting that I should celebrate on my own."

Even though Mykel is a reliable adviser of the king, he was pretty much useless when it comes to his wife. A useless husband.

By the looks of it, he probably forgot something important. But of course, I wouldn't tell him that. He must suffer from eating the cookies.

"That's why you're here," I said and instructed Bwi to melt the chocolates that Haisley bought at Kook, while I prepared the salad adding the smoked salt and cheese.

"I plan on taking you two outside and eat lunch together." Mykel watched us on the side with a dejected look since his plan won't happen.

With custard cream filling the cookies that looked like ravioli were dipped on the melted chocolate.

Since he went all the way here I invited to have lunch with Bwi. I didn't have much of an appetite so I excused myself carrying the other portion of the food we made.

The burning muscle pain of my arms slowly became unbearable that I almost didn't make it to the empty church with the heavy basket.

A group of sisters sneakily went out of the door but immediately caught by me. They all were wearing casual clothing. The celebration of the Goddess of Light where the all sisters at the churches have to pour their devotion to the goddess by continues praying.

"Pri–pri–princess?! This is not what you think! We were just. . Uhh. . ."

"That's right!"


. . What?

The timing was great, with them gone I wouldn't be cautious when talking with the goddess.

"Make sure to get back before Priestess Irene comes," I said with a smile. I was once like them, I even mastered sleeping while looking like I was praying.

Priestess Irene went to her family yesterday and will be back later in the afternoon.

"Yes! Thank you, princess!" They all thanked me. The guards will probably think they're maids going to attend the Summer Festival.

When I entered the church with a sigh, I was greeted, "You're so slow."

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