Chapter 87

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Before I could make it to the middle landing of the staircase I abandoned Azalea and the Soul Staff that was pinned on my armpit and went to the corner vomiting green liquid that mixed with the food I ate.

My hands were flat on the cold wall feeling sick. With the healing magic, my body was now rejecting the large amount of drug that was inside me. Minutes felt hours as I taste the acid in my mouth.

While heaving out everything that was inside my stomach I felt my fake blue hair pulled away from my face and a hand caressingly rubbed on my back.

"You should take a rest, I'll help you carry the woman," Carsien suggested after there's nothing I could throw up and helped me sat on the stairs.

Carsien seems not to recognize who I was which was good. I didn't need Aiden to know about this, he'll probably make me stay by his side. I need to get out of here fast because when Edmund and Lucas appears finding what was exactly happening here with the children that were supposed to be at the party not putting their lives in danger, I'll be off the hook from the punishment that will fall upon these kids.

"This person. She looked familiar," he said but quickly disregard his word unconcerned who the woman was and asked, "Why is she tied up even though she's unconscious? Is it something to do with the drugs?"

Thank the stars I didn't have to think for an excuse. "Yeah. . . experimented," I croaked from the soreness of my throat.

"How did you manage to escape?" He asked carrying Azalea up the stairs.

I almost let out tsk sound when I saw him pulling the woman over her armpit. Blood formed on her head where I hit her.

"A boy with different colored eyes help me," I lied, well, it was not actually a lie. The boy did help me. His voice somehow soothed the pain I felt after waking up alive.

"Different colored eyes?"

"Red and blue ones. Is he not with you?" I asked. Red like the color of roses and deep blue that almost looked violet like the midnight sky.

"No," he grunted giving a last pull before arriving at the top of the staircase.

Huh? I thought I heard the boy's name was Aeduan. I was still a little bit fuzzy and disoriented when I woke up, I must have heard it wrong.

Feeling a bit better I took the Soul Staff that I left behind and climbed up the rest of the steps.

"Your staff is coated with blood," he stated eying the staff on my hand.

"Your sword is covered with blood," I retorted.

"My apologies, it's just weird how you use your staff but then it's still a weapon," he said thoughtfully. "Anyway, I hope you and your companion will safely get out of here. Me and the pri— I mean a friend of mine had already checked and cleared this floor but still be careful."

I gave him a thankful nod and decided to use my magic. When he turned around I let my magic worked on its own buffing Carsien, enhancing him on his strength and defense and also increasing his speed.

I didn't wait to see how he reacted and started pulling Azalea's legs once again. "Three minutes before my buff worn out," I said and heard a thank you behind me.

Instead of wasting my time navigating to where the exit was, I should have asked Carsien for the direction.

Curses flew under my breath as I passed by at an opened door.

Looking inside I was surprised to see a person in an attempt of suicide. It was the man wearing a white coat with long hair that covered his eyes. He was standing on a chair shaking, a rope hanging on the ceiling down to his neck.

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