Chapter 62

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The sea was dazzling in the sunlight. The cold morning wind kissed my skin, sticky and salty. From a far the blue-green sea stretch wide on the horizon in stillness calm. But the body of the sea that was near me was loud with the waves smashing against the cliff wall.

A chill ran down to my spine. Heart pounding out of my chest as I stand on the cliff with shaking knees.

Life never let me be happy for more than a day.

Should I start praying?

"Sister, you're shaking too much." Aiden chuckled at my sight.

I looked at him, mortified.

Before my eyes starts rolling up, Edmund lifted me up. A short scream escaped my lips that I immediately covered with trembling hands.

It will not be a push down the cliff but by throwing me. I won't survive the fall. Surely there were sharp rocks below the cliff. And I'll be slapped against the wall by the violent wave before hitting the sharp rocks.

I haven't even activated my holy item. . !

I was about to faint when Edmund walked towards the edge of the cliff with me on his arms.

"Elaine," with voice full of authority the king called my name. "Stop trembling, I won't let you fall."

Then what will you do to me? Make me fly?!

"Father why are we here?" Aiden questioned.

"This is where your mother's grave."

My eyes widened as I look at the widower. His gaze was set towards the sea. Turning to where he was staring I watched the beautiful view in front of me with my fear that was forgotten.

The queen's grave.

"Bu–but you said that you burned her body," Aiden said with weak voice. He was holding Edmund's other hand.

"Yes. I burned her until she became ash and freed her here." Edmund's voice sounded so far away, lost in the memory of his wife. "She wanted to travel around to different places but she couldn't. She. . . She was once a prisoner of war and when we got married we became busy fixing the kingdom that we forgot our selfish dreams. So we always went here for our temporary escape from the responsibilities and watch the sea together."

I did read some of the history of the kingdom but I didn't dived deeper. All I knew that the Luville Kingdom wasn't as large as this before. It was after the war that this kingdom became powerful at the hands of the Arias family. Edmund's family.

"Aiden, Elaine, go greet your mother," Edmund continued with an encouraging smile.

"M–mother, it's Aiden. I missed you so much. I wish I could hear you sing me a lullaby again. Even I don't remember much about you I knew you sang to me every night," Aiden cried. "I hope you're happy over there."

Edmund then sat on the ground and pulled his son, embracing the two of us with his head hung low.

Tears starting to form on my eyes. A family who lost a wife, a mother and. . .love.

"Hello, mother. I'm Elaine, you–your daughter. I just turned ten ye–yes–yesterday." I tried to sound cheerful as I can be but I ended crying and choking my words. "You don't ha–. . .have to worry. Daddy and brother are taking care of me and I'll also watch over them. Tha–tha. . .thank you for having me."

I buried my face on my father's chest.

We stayed there hugging tightly together and left the cliff with healing hearts.

"Let's go here again," Aiden said with puffy eyes and red nose but he was smiling.

"We should bring food next time," I added with the same state as Aiden. I blew my stuffy nose on my handkerchief.

Aiden and I looked at our father.

"When I'm free, let's visit your mother again."

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