Chapter 42

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Rumor has it that the Abandoned Princess was still living alone in the Silver Palace. She looked about to die while the king and the prince only visited her once. And her family hasn't seen her after waking up from the long sleep. She really was an Abandoned Princess.

That was the rumor circling around the royal estate.

With my said misfortune, the servants looked at me with extra compassion to the extent of giving me food which was unnecessary. They were kind to offer or shove to me their charity.

Well, I was skin and bone after sleeping for four months. I could see where the pity was coming from but I didn't need more food, I was eating properly and waiting for my original body to come back.

Instead of food, I told them money was enough. And from then on every servant or knight that I met outside offered me a gold coin or silver coins. I was like a money collector.

"We heard quite rumors going around, princess."

Agitated, I stood in front of the King of Luville Kingdom at his very own office. He was looking at me intensely.

Almost two months had passed after I woke up. I was enjoying my quiet days when I was suddenly called to meet my father.

I glanced at Lucas who stood just behind the king with his usual smile, he then continued, "Someone was extorting inside the palace walls. Pray and tell that the rumors about you were just mere rumors."

Extortion?!! How did it come to this?? They voluntarily gave me their money. Or was I using my pity situation to earn money illegally? I did go out more often and I even enjoyed collecting money. Oh heaven saints! I even used the term collecting.

Uwaah! I'm going to prison and die there!

"Princess Elaine," Mykel spoke getting my attention. He also stood behind the king. "Taking someone's money is bad especially the alms of the church," he said in a tone like he's speaking to a child.

Alms?! Is it because I've been going to the royal church that people think that I was there to take the church's money?

What's this rumor about?!

"We haven't done any investigation," Mykel continued. "We first want to hear it from you, your highness, before doing so."

I was about to speak when Aiden barged inside the office in unprincely-like. "Father! I know where the malicious rumors about Elaine come fro— . . . Sister?!"

It has been a while since I last saw Aiden, he grew in a short amount of time.

"Hello, brother," I greeted him. A savior has now arrived!

I'm glad my relationship with Aiden was better than the original story.

Aiden looked at me with a conflicted face and took a step back. "I. . Apologize for the sudden interruption, father. I'll come back again!" He turned around and ran before anyone could stop him.

He-hey! Why stop halfway through?! You're not going to save me???

I watched the door closes. Did I do something?

I missed his 10th birthday, he probably was angry about it. I think.

Come to think of it, I also missed my birthday by one day. I regained consciousness a day after my 8th birthday.

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