Chapter 54

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The news of the ding-dong grabbing incident quickly traveled to certain people.

I order one of the servants to escort the muted child in one of the guest rooms at the Emerald Palace the moment we arrived Royal Estate and before I got dragged by Ruiz and Leo to perform a cleansing wash for my hand.

While my dirty hand was soaked in holy water for a couple of minutes now, Haisley entered the room I was in. With a paled face she took me. We went to the Moon Palace where a ready bath was waiting to be used.

She was awfully quiet as she focuses on scrubbing my now red hand. While the other maids were washing the rest of my body with a confused look.

Aren't they overreacting?

Fresh from the bath I walked to the Emerald Palace with stinging hand. I was on my way to the boy I had left behind when Mykel appeared in front of me out of nowhere. He was staring at my hand that I subconsciously hid it from him.

"Please follow me, your highness," he said with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

I had a feeling that I'll be drag one way or another so I followed him silently.

Mykel, the adviser of the king, opened the door of the church. At the altar, there stood the priestess.

"Shall we begin?" The sister said when I arrived at the front. Without waiting for my answer she continued, "I will now perform the purification ritual."

A spiritual cleansing?!

Isn't this too much?!?! You all are overreacting!

After the unnecessary cleanse I was left exhausted that I decided to call it a day even though the morning is just about to end.

Thank the moon that I didn't see the king and the crown prince, I don't know what they might do but I might just cut off my hand if this continues.

Before I took a rest I told Haisley to take care of my guess. It's quite vague but I let her do the judging on how she interprets my words.

I woke up with the sun had already set. The room was dark with the moonlight spilled into the room enough to see the silhouette of the objects.

I immediately closed my eyes again hoping I was wrong but I could feel the steady stare.

"You're awake," the king spoke with his impassive expression. I looked at him, his features were partially illuminated with his pair of gold eyes that they almost glowed in the moonlight. I was entranced at his beauty.

But I quickly broke from the spell when the king took my hand gazing at it.

. . . Don't tell me he's planning on cutting my hand?!

I did think that I'll cut my hand but it's just an exaggeration.

I was about to defend myself by telling him all the cleaning process that my hand had gone through but he beat me to that and spoke.

"Never do that again."

I blinked at him. I was relieved that my hand was safe.

"Or I'll chop every men's private part," he continued. Since it was dark his menacing look was the most frightful I have ever seen.

"Yes," I answered with a clipped voice.

I had a nightmare because of that.

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