My Girl-Wally Cleaver (Leave It to Beaver)

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From the show: Leave It to Beaver

The wind seemed to rattle the library's windows as a thunderstorm passed through. You felt a bit nervous, yet safe as you sat at a small, square table with Wally Cleaver.

"Well, we better get goin', the library closes soon," Wally commented as he shut the book he had been engrossed in. He led you up to the main doors, both of you grateful you didn't need to lug any books into the pouring rain.

"I don't think it's thunderin' so much now. I bet we could at least walk to my house," Wally observed as you hesitated on the shielded stoop outside.

"Okay," you agreed, still feeling a bit uneasy.

"Uh, here." Wally removed his letter sweater jacket, holding it over your head. "That way your hair doesn't get messed up or nothin'." You smiled at his cute bluntness, the two of you braving the yucky weather as you ran across the gleaming sidewalk. "Don't step there, there's a puddle," Wally warned as he maneuvered past it. You felt yourself smiling the entire trip, loving how he looked out for and took care of you. You were relieved though when you finally entered his kitchen's door.

"Wally, you're soaking wet," his mother lightly complained.

"Well, gee mom, I couldn't let (Y/N) get that rain all on her."

"No, I supposed not. I admire you for being a gentleman, Wally, but you need to get out of those wet clothes and warmed up, or you're liable to catch a cold," his mother politely fussed.

"Sure, mom. I'll go upstairs and dry off and change," Wally effortlessly agreed, leaving the room.

"So, did you and Wally find what you were looking for at the library?" Mrs. Cleaver attempted to make small talk as she took out a glass bottle of fresh milk.

"Yeah, I think we have enough information for our project now," you confirmed.

"Here, you and Wally can have these cookies and milk in the living room," she said, which was quite nice of her, since she usually worried about crumbs.

You nodded as you followed her into the main room with a fire in the fireplace Mr. Cleaver had just started. A few more minutes passed, and you could hear Wally's loud footsteps as he bounded down the staircase in the hall over.

"Hey," he greeted with a neat smile. His hair was still a bit wet yet looked as though he had run a towel over it, his outfit of a dry maroon sweater and beige slacks. He plopped on the spot next to you, finding one of the cookies to eat.

"It's really comin' down out there, huh," he asked.

The rain was still pounding against the roof as you sat alone in the cozy room.

"Yeah, it is." You readjusted your long, modest skirt as you both ran out of words to say. The two of you just kind of glanced around the room, Wally barely nibbling on still his first cookie.

"Wally?" You broke the silence as he turned to you, him leaned forward onto his knees casually.

"Yeah?" His light colored eyes were so beautiful, and he looked even cuter with his messy hair.

"What are we?"

"What do you mean?" The way his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Wow.

"I mean, we've been hanging out for a few weeks now, but I feel like we're more than friends...," you trailed off, nervous for his answer.

"Heck I just thought you knew were goin' together." He was so cute and innocent.

"We are?" Now it was your turn to be stuck in surprise.

"Well, yeah. I've been tellin' Eddie and the guys you're my girl for a few days now." A blush spread across your cheeks as you felt warm from the compliment.

"You're the most, Wally," you complimented back.

He just kind of smiled as he bobbed his head in the opposite direction shyly. You leaned in to kiss his cheek, but he suddenly turned his head, your lips meeting by mistake. He ended up kissing back though, it just being a lingered peck, but it felt like so much more.

"Boy," Wally said afterwards, his eyes just sort of dancing between your own.

"Hey Wal-ly," his little brother called almost in a sing song voice.

"Uh, I guess Beaver's home," Wally said.

A permanent grin attacked your face as you responded, "Yeah."

A/N: I really love Wally on "Leave It to Beaver." I actually watch the show like every morning on the week days. I tried to put in some of the words they used in the 50's in this. I hope you enjoyed it! Please remember to comment, vote, and follow if you did. <3

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