Your Own Little World-Ben Walton (The Waltons)

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From the show: The Waltons

The night enveloped you as you walked hand in hand with your new husband, Ben Walton. It was still difficult to process that you two would be starting a life together. The moonlight shone through the spindly trees as you grasped his hand tighter, his calloused fingers holding your hand firmly in return. Eventually you reached a clearing in the woods, finding the pond that had become your own special place. There were jars dotted all around though with shining candles within.

"Did you go to all this trouble, Ben Walton," you asked, your mouth hanging open slightly from how surprised you were.

"Yeah, I know we can't afford a honeymoon or anythin', but I thought it'd be nice being out here for our first night as a married couple," he explained. "John Boy, Mary Ellen, and Erin helped me with the candles. It was actually Erin's idea."

You smiled faintly as you thought of how you would have to thank her later. Both of you strolled up to the gleaming water, just gazing up at the stars as you drank in the sounds of the night. You realized that Ben had sat down, patting the spot next to him for you to join. Both of you dipped your feet in the cool pond, before he finally spoke up.

"Remember that time I pushed Mary Ellen in the pond?"

You nodded as you smiled faintly from the memory, "Yeah, she was furious."

"I did that 'cause she was just about to tell you that I liked you," he confessed.

"You liked me all the way back then," you asked, your heart soaring with more love than you thought possible.

"It's always been you, (Y/N)." He grabbed a loose stone before throwing it into the distance, you watching the ripples that danced across the water's surface. "Hey, you remember what we used to do when we came here as kids?"

You giggled a tiny bit as you stuck a stray piece of wheat into your mouth, him mirroring your actions. You then both placed your hands behind your head with your elbows stuck out before lying straight back onto the grass.

"This is one of the best gifts you could have ever given me, Ben. Coming back here makes everything seem like it's full circle. Like it was fate we met all those years ago."

"I know what you mean," he agreed, you catching him staring over at you.

You reached over to kiss him, never getting tired of the warmth and happiness that always came along with it. After pulling away he wrapped his arm around you, delicately running his fingers up and down your opposite arm. You got chills suddenly, partly from that and the other half from the chill in the air.

"So, are you we going to stay out here all night," you wondered.

"If you want. John Boy and daddy made us a tent in case we wanted to camp out. They said we could head on back up to the house if we wanted too."

"I think I'd rather stay here." You turned to face him as he did the same.

"Me too," he agreed.

Your eyes danced between each other's for a bit, you admiring the twinkle in his blue orbs despite the darkness surrounding you. You both leaned in for a kiss just as the moon was hidden by some thick clouds, but neither of you noticed, since it was always bright in your own little world.

A/N: Hey guys, this Ben Walton imagine was requested by my great friend, Anna. I hope you enjoyed it. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow if you did. Thank you so much! <3

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