The Old Keith-Keith Partridge (The Partridge Family)

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From the show: The Partridge Family

You were in a deep sleep filled with dreams you probably wouldn't remember in the morning. Gradually you felt yourself waking up though, and you discovered that Keith had wrapped his arms around you from behind. When you turned over to face him, you saw his beautiful, green eyes in the dim lighting.

"I love you," he spoke, your heart soaring with happiness. You were currently on your honeymoon, and it had been great spending it in a tropical climate.

"I love you," you repeated, kissing his lips softly before you both rolled over together.

Flash forward to the moment you got your first house together, his entire family helping you to move in.

"I love your drapes," Laurie complimented as she delicately touched them in the living room.

"Thanks," you responded.

"Keith driving you crazy yet?"

You giggled, since you were still in the beginning phase of marriage where bliss was all you knew. "He's my husband. I married him because I love being with him."

"I know," she smiled warmly at you before Danny interrupted your conversation.

"Hey, isn't anyone gonna help carrying these boxes," he wondered, since Keith and his mother were busy talking in the kitchen, you with Laurie, and the younger siblings were goofing off in the yard out front.

"Yeah, sorry, Danny," you apologized, helping him to put your things into your new home.

Eventually everyone had left and Keith walked to where you were, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as you just stood, admiring the living room.

"Can you believe it? We have a place of our own now," Keith commented, a cute grin across his face.

"Yeah, it's really nice," you said into the calming silence.

"You know, marrying you was the best decision I ever made."


Your eyes danced between his before he softly confirmed, "Really."

More time passed, but Keith had gotten caught up in his singing career, causing late nights and sometimes he would just stay in a hotel in the city he was at. You went with him to a lot of the shows, but there were times you were too tired or had too many things to do at home. It seemed that you had been extra drowsy lately, which caused the both of you to grow distant with him constantly being gone.

"Hey (Y/N)," Keith cheerfully greeted as he glided into the kitchen. He always had boundless energy after a show no matter how late it ran.

You simply sipped on your favorite drink though, just sitting at the small, round table in the yellow painted kitchen.

"Something wrong?" He picked up on your quiet demeanor straight away.

"Keith, you're never home. I miss you," you spoke to the ground.

"What are you talking about? I'm home about every other night." You pushed your chair back as you went to place your glass into the sink.

"(Y/N), I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this."

That's when you snapped, spinning around to face him. "Keith, we're hardly ever together."

"It's not my fault you're tired all the time."

"You could cancel a few shows."

"And what? Disappoint my fans. You knew what you were getting into when we got married."

"You weren't as famous then."

"So, you want me to not be living my dream. Is that it?"

Tears pricked at your eyes from his words, already hating this fight. "Forget it," you stated before leaving the room.

"No, I won't forget it. (Y/N), I want to work this out."

"No, you don't. You've changed," you stated, and that time he didn't follow you as he stood still, knowing that statement was true.

It was a week later, and not only were you more tired than before, but you had been getting sick to your stomach. One day Keith came home early as you were sitting in front of the toilet.

"What are you doing here," you weakly asked.

"The last album fell through. People don't want to listen to just me, they want the Partridge Family," he said, obviously annoyed and angry. "They told me going out on my own was a big mistake. I'm going to have to find a new way to make money."

"This is really bad timing," you said.

"Why? Are you okay?" He just realized how your face was drained of color.

"I'm pregnant," you shared, but then he was grinning.

"That's great!"

"You're happy about it," you hesitantly asked, figuring he would be upset.

"Yeah! We still have a lot of money from my past albums, but now I'll be able to spend more time with you. I'm glad you're having the baby after I woke up after all this time. I was caught up in the fame. I'm sorry." His genuine eyes bore into your own, before a small smile stretched across your lips.

"I love you, Keith," you reacted, flashbacks hitting you of how things were when you first got married.

"I love you, (Y/N)," he told you before kissing your lips more tenderly than he had in so long.

The old Keith was back.

A/N: Hey guys, this imagine was requested by MrsLeonardo_Dicaprio.  I hope you enjoyed it. :) Please remember to comment, vote, and follow if you did. <3

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