Meeting His Family-Michael Taylor (My Two Dads)

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From the show: My Two Dads

You felt a little bit nervous as you headed to your boyfriend's loft. It was the first time you were going to meet his daughter. She had been inherited by him and his long time best friend, since the mother had passed away and never knew who the real father was between the two of them. You ran their doorbell before waiting outside their door, a beautiful, young girl answering.

"Hey," she warmly smiled, decked out in a cute plum skirt with a yellow, Fall colored sweater. "You must be (Y/N). Michael's told me all about you."

"And he's told me all about you. It's nice to meet you, Nicole," you genuinely told her.

"You too. Uh, Michael just stepped out to get some groceries. Joey's home though," Nicole explained.

"Hey," Joey greeted, wiping his hands off on a rag as he pulled away from a painting he was working on. He was an unknown artist, which explained the different pieces in the apartment, such as a soft, large, purple half truck.

"Hey," you repeated. You had briefly met Joey once when him and Michel were at Klawicki's cafe together.

"Hello," Michael said as he suddenly entered through the heavy doors. "I see you've met my daughter."

All you wanted to do was run over to him and give him a kiss, but you felt it would be inappropriate at the moment. "Yeah, she's really beautiful," you complimented, smiling at Nicole as she returned the gesture.

"So, we are having lasagna tonight, and no, Joey, we are not going to be heating it from a box, or winging it. We are following my mom's original recipe," Michael shared, placing the paper bags of food onto the kitchen's counter.

"Can we help," you offered.

"The more the merrier," Michael stated.

Nicole grinned at you before saying, "Let's go."

Soon the place was filled with laughter and delicious smells. Dinner went great, and you even played Pictionary for awhile, which Joey made really funny.

When the evening grew late, Joey decided to go out for a drink, while Nicole went up to bed.

"Goodnight you two," she teased with a wink before climbing the steps.

It was now just you and Michael alone in the large loft, the two of you next to each other on the couch.

"I had a great time with Joey and Nicole," you shared, leaning the side of your head on your arm that was propped onto the back of the couch.

"Yeah, Nicole's great, and Joey... he can be alright," Michael lightly said, making a face for a moment.

"You like him, admit it," you playfully responded.

"Okay, I will admit it, but never let him know I said that," Michael stated, you laughing for a little bit before the room grew quiet again. "I'm glad you get along with my family so well. Nicole... I only got her a few months ago, and already she's one of the most important people in my life."

You fell in love with how his eyes lit up when he mentioned his 12 year old daughter.

"You're a great dad," you complimented, a small smile spreading across his face.

"Well, you are a great girlfriend," he emphasized.

Your eyes just kept gazing into his before you both finally closed the gap, sharing an intimate yet short kiss. After you pulled away, you bit your lower lip as you expressed, "I love you."

"I love you too," Michael echoed, your lips joined for another meaningful kiss.

A/N: Hey guys, I've recently started watching the show, "Mad About You," which I really like. I have a hard time of not thinking of Paul as Michael from "My Two Dads" though, since I saw that show first. Plus, he has the same personality in both of them. I've just really started loving him lately, so I wanted to write this imagine. I hope you enjoyed it. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow if you did. <3

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