2. Grimmauld Place

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Straight after the funeral, Harry was sent straight back to the Dursleys' where he would be forced to endure hell for the rest of his summer. The only thing that was mildly interesting was a Dementor showing up in Little Whinging, trying to perform the kiss on his cousin, Dudley Dursley.

Needless to say, Petunia and Vernon Dursley were not very happy when their only son returned back home, dazed and confused, looking like he had been mugged.

Harry was subjected to isolation in his room for the rest of the summer, there was nothing but constant boredom until one evening, the Dursleys told Harry that they would be going out. Whether they were in the house or not made no difference to Harry, all evenings were the same now, the dull silence in his room. His only source of communication with his friends was when Hedwig returned, delivering Harry his letters from his friends.

Speaking of his friends, Harry had been having nightmares constantly of the night, reliving the graveyard and reliving the return of Voldemort. Each nightmare ended the same, arriving back to Hogwarts holding Y/N's dead, lifeless body. There was so much guilt that Harry felt, it should've been him. The fact that in his last moments Y/N was concerned on getting Harry out of the graveyard made Harry feel even worse. He was right, Harry always played hero. Y/N was definitely the better wizard but Harry took the spotlight, because of his past and his lucky survival against Voldemort as a child. If anything, the hero was Y/N.

Harry jolted out of his thoughts when he heard a sound downstairs. A crash was heard in the kitchen, Harry jumped out of his bed, made his way towards his door and debated whether he was going to get his wand. He was already facing trial for using magic underage outside of Hogwarts so there was nothing to lose, he was probably going to get expelled.

The footsteps were getting closer to his door, Harry heard the lock click and then his door swung open. His wand was pointed at the door and he heard a voice.

"Lower your wand boy, before you take someone's eye out."

"Professor Moody?" Harry said uncertainly.

"Never really got round to teaching did I?" replied Moody.

"It's alright Harry, we've come to take you away." a voice said and Harry could instantly recognise the voice. Professor Lupin.

The plan was to transport Harry to a house in London via broomsticks. Moody performed a Disillusionment Charm on Harry before the group set off. The journey was exhilarating, it was the best thing that had happened to Harry all summer. It took a while but soon, they found themselves by some houses.

"In you go Harry." Moody said as Harry walked in. He was greeted with Mrs Weasley who gave him a massive hug,

"Harry! I'm so glad you got here safely! Hermione and Ron are upstairs, not long till dinner."

Harry nodded and made his way upstairs to where Ron and Hermione were, when he got in he was greeted with hugs from both of them.

"Let him breathe Hermione." Ron said with a chuckle.

Harry didn't know what he was feeling, seeing Ron and Hermione here together having a great time whilst he was trapped with the Dursleys made him feel uneasy, made him feel left out.

Harry turned his head to find Hedwig perched on the windowsill, Y/N's owl Grey next to her.

"Pecked us half to death when she brought your last letter." Ron commented.

"I'm sorry but I just wanted answers." Harry replied with a shrug.

"And we wanted to give them to you mate, we really did. But Dumbledore made us promise-"

The Order of the Phoenix | Hermione Granger x Male Reader (Book Five)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat