25. A Forgotten Childhood

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I woke up the next morning, Hermione's head on my chest, my arms resting around her and memories of last night came rushing back to me. I had a girlfriend...Hermione Granger was my girlfriend. It was almost like everything was back to normal.

She stirred and opened her eyes, giving me a confused but adorable look. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Good morning 'Mione."

She smiled back at me. "Good morning F/N."

I scrambled up, accidentally pulling the cloak off us in the process. "Do we have lessons today?" I asked. Lessons weren't on my mind, the only thing on my mind was the girl lying next to me.

"Oh crap! We do! We've got Charms in ten minutes!" Hermione replied before frantically getting up.

"Relax 'Mione, we're fine, we'll make it." I said, trying to calm the girl down. However, she was till frantic and was all over the place.

"I've got to go! I need to get my books and everything." Hermione said and left but not before giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

I was deciding whether I wanted to go to lessons today or not, last night was weird. I felt some memories flash back to me as I saw the full moon. I could vaguely remember a werewolf...a long-haired man...and a rat?

I was hoping that if I walked around maybe I would see something that would trigger my memory. So, today, I decided to not attend my lessons and instead go for a stroll around Hogwarts' grounds.

It would be quite easy to not get caught so I set off straight away, but not before clearing all the stuff from me and Hermione's date. The Hogwarts' grounds were filled with a pleasant breeze, I sighed as I walked, glancing at my surroundings. To my left was the Forbidden Forest and glancing into there, a memory flashed back into my mind. My first year at Hogwarts, my first detention. I was with Harry and Draco and a dog, there was a dark figure drinking unicorn blood...that was Lord Voldemort.

Dismissing that memory, I continued walking. There was now a hut in front of me, this specific hut brought back a vast amount of memories from my earlier years at Hogwarts. A Dragon appeared in my mind...Hagrid's Dragon...then my mind flashed to another Dragon...a Hungarian Horntail...the Triwizard Tournament...the first task...the second task...the final task...my death.

All my old Hogwarts memories started coming back to me and after an hour wandering around the grounds, I seemed to of recollected every single memory that I had from Hogwarts. Now all I was missing was my life before Hogwarts. I glanced at my watch, would anyone notice if I snuck back to the Slytherin Common Room?

Taking my chances, I made my way back inside the castle and headed towards the Dungeons, sneaking past Snape's classroom since he was currently teaching a class. Muttering the password to the Common Room, I entered and luckily no one was there, I made my way to my dormitory and found myself lying in my bed, staring at the ceiling before my eyes closed...

Flashback to Y/N's childhood
Third Person's POV

It was Christmas day, 1987. Young Y/N was unwrapping his presents, alongside his family. His ten year old brother Issac was happily playing with his new toys whilst Y/N was unwrapping his last present.

"I know what that is!" Issac said happily, looking at his younger brother's gift.

"Now Issac, don't ruin the surprise for your brother." the boys' mother, Joyce said, a smile on her face.

Their father, Steven was watching Y/N eagerly, waiting for him to open his present from both Steven and Joyce.

Y/N ripped the wrapping apart hastily to reveal a broomstick. "A broomstick! Does that mean I can play Quidditch with you and Issac now dad?"

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