26. Occlumency

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Draco had interrogated me thoroughly about my absence during lessons yesterday and I was sure that when I saw Hermione again she would also question me. It was worth missing a days worth of lessons, even though I was in my crucial O.W.L year and I knew I wouldn't get in trouble since Draco had made an excuse up for me. My memories had come back to me and everything that I forgot came back, from my childhood adventures to my first four years at Hogwarts. I could recall every single adventure I had with Harry, Ron and Hermione and sadly, I could remember every run-in we had with Draco and his friends.

I knew that staying civil to Draco would be essential to Dumbledore's plan for me and although I disagreed with his beliefs, when he wasn't surrounded by his parents or his friends, he seemed to be alright.

"F/N, Snape told me to give you this after our Potions lesson." Draco informed me, whilst handing me a piece of parchment.

I thanked Draco and when he left the dormitory to join the others in the Common Room, I unfolded the parchment and read the words:

Professor Dumbledore has asked me to teach you Occulumency, come to my classroom tonight at eight o'clock prompty.

The note was short but it contained everything I needed to know. Pocketing Snape's note, I made my way downstairs and left for the Great Hall for breakfast with the other Slytherins. When I arrived, Hermione looked at me and smiled and I smiled back, Draco noticed and scoffed at me before we sat down at the Slytherin table.

After breakfast came a full day of lessons, I had caught up with all the work I missed out on during my free period, thanks to Hermione, whom I met up with in the library. Like I predicted, she did ask me about why I wasn't in class but I merely just lied and told her I needed a day off since I wasn't feeling well. She countered that and asked if I needed to see Madam Pomfrey but I shook my head and told her that I was feeling slightly better.

That evening, after dinner, when everyone retired to the Common Room, I made my way to Snape's classroom, it was nearby to the Slytherin Common Room since both were in the Dungeons. Knocking on Snape's door I greeted the Professor and entered the room.

"Good evening, Y/N." Snape said, looking at me. He was part of the Order so he knew of my true identity. I knew that Snape didn't like me and had no problem expressing his distaste to me but I tried to remain civil to the Professor.

"Professor Dumbledore has asked me to teach you the art of Occulumency, where you close your mind from Legilimens from invading your mind and access your memories." Snape explained. "I am going to try and invade your mind, you will need to close it so that I cannot enter."

He didn't even say anything else, five minutes into our lesson and he already began invading my mind. The first time Snape invaded my mind, I couldn't block me out. He saw my memories with Hermione but I couldn't allow him to see anymore, with all my strength I blocked him from my mind.

"Congratulations," Snape said coldly, "you managed to kick me out but not after you let me access your memories."

I gritted my teeth. "Go again sir."

He tried again, and this time I closed my mind off to him. He couldn't enter.

"Well, I see you've gotten the hang of it. The Headmaster did tell me that it was possible you would already be skilled at this."

After a couple more times of Snape trying to invade my mind and me blocking him off. I decided to try it the other way round. Snape had no idea that I was going to invade his mind so he was not on his guard. I easily made my way into his past memories...

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