24. The Moon And The Stars

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The news of Dumbledore's disappearance spread quickly around the school and Draco was very happy about it. I, however, was facing backlash from members of the DA. Although it was clearly not me, they all felt that it was easiest to point the finger at me since I was the Slytherin, the outcast.

Draco and the other Slytherins had not found out that I was part of the group. I knew Professor Umbridge would've used the list of names to her advantage, I was the one who handed her the list. However, before I handed it over I performed a quick spell to remove my name from the list. If Umbridge found out, things would get messy. She was the new Headmistress and I didn't want any trouble with her.

I had listened to Issac and magically cut my hair, it returned to my previous hairstyle, the one I had before I had to pretend to become a Malfoy. Even thought Dumbledore requested me to stick to my Malfoy act, I wanted to be myself again, be Y/N L/N again. And if I was being honest, part of why I had a haircut was so people could see my eyes again. Dumbledore told me that I couldn't tell anyone, so I had to hope someone could figure it out. I knew Hermione recognised my eyes so I was hoping by seeing my eyes again, Hermione's intellect would help her discover that I was really Y/N.

The Slytherin Common Room was fairly vacant when I was there, my conversation with Issac helped me think quite clearly, I wanted to be with Hermione, and that wouldn't be achieved by just avoiding her. I had to do something. Quickly grabbing a piece of parchment, I wrote some words, folded the piece of parchment and left the Common Room. Walking down the corridors of Hogwarts, I noticed that at the bottom of the corridor, Hermione's cat, Crookshanks was there. I whistled, trying to get the attention of the cat and lucky for me, he approached me. The cat shot me a suspicious sort of look, maybe he saw past my fake identity?

"Hey Crookshanks," I began, "I need you to give this to Hermione? Is that alright?"

He purred and took the parchment in between his teeth before rushing off, I watched Crookshanks until he disappeared and then I headed off in the opposite direction.

Hermione's POV

I was sitting by the fire with Ron and Harry, my eyes focused on the crackling noise of the fireplace when I saw Crookshanks come towards us. I greeted my cat happily but then noticed that he dropped a piece of parchment in my lap. Unfolding the parchement, I read the words silently.

Meet me at the Astronomy Tower tonight at eight, bring Harry's cloak if you can.

I felt my heart flutter reading this message, it pained me to avoid the boy but I knew I had to do it. But now he was giving me a reason to go back...to go to him and I couldn't refuse. There was just something about him that reminded me so much of Y/N that being around him made me feel like I was around Y/N again. He gave me comfort in times like this, he made me feel like Y/N had never left me and that he was still by my side. I could tell that Harry and Ron were eager to find out what was written but I didn't want to tell them, especially Ron. He had a hatred for F/N just because he was a Slytherin, he didn't give F/N a chance to show Ron that he was more than just a Slytherin, show that he was more than just a Malfoy.

Ron excused himself shortly after and went to the boys' dormitory, leaving me and Harry there.

"Was that F/N?" the boy asked and I nodded.

"He wants to meet me tonight...can I borrow your cloak?"

"That's fine. What are you two doing there?" asked the emerald eyed boy.

"I'm not sure...I guess he just wants to speak to me." I replied honestly.

Harry laughed. "Is it like a date?"

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