Chapter 3

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Ugh what happened? I find myself in my room. A shock of pain runs through the back of my head. Damn that really hurts. Then it all comes back to mind. Amber and Kayla getting some guy trying to get some. Those bitches, I will kill them! I sit up, then my back hurts so I sit back down.

"Be careful!" A famikar voice says. I see no one other than Jeff the killer. What the hell? Why is he here...unless....did he help me?

"W-What happened?" I ask. Even though I think I know, I ask anyways.

"Some guy almost raoed you." He says this without hesitation.

"Oh, yeah.." I sigh. I can't believe they would go that far. They must really hate me. But what did I ever do to them? What?

"So I killed him!" He smiles widely.

"Alright, then." I honestly didn't care. That asshole hurt me and tried to get some. Hell no! Do I care? No why should I care?

"Not the reaction I was looking for." He looks at me all dumfounded.

"What did you want me to do?"

He puts both  hands on his hips. "Uh I dunno. Freak out!"

"Why would I freak out?"

"What's wrong with you?!" He yells.

"What's wrong with me? Your the one going around a killing people!" I yell back. Am I really getting yelled at by a murderer for my reactions?

He sighs then sits on the floor. "Its just unusual."

"Could've said that instead of yelling at me." I pout. He just shrugs. "So why did you help me?"

He looks guilty for some reason. "Um..that's because." He stutters.


"Your m-my pray, and I can't let him kill you, t-thats my job..."

"Um, alright then." I sigh.

"He hit your head pretty hard, probably brain damage." He teases me.

"Ha ha, very funny." I purr. I don't have brain damage. "So, were did you put the body?"

"I left it there, they already know I exist might as well not bother hiding it."

"I guess, but they'll just get more evidence on you."

"They won't chatch me."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I'm fast, and I'm not that stupid to get caught." I just roll my eyes. This guy is bound to get caught soon. If not then congrats to him!.


"What? Wait, how do you know my name?" I ask.

"Oh, remember I was stalking you before I tries killing you yesterday."

He explains. Oh, yeah. That was him I wasn't losing my mind after all. That's a good sign.

"Oh, yeah." I sigh. I really don't wanna go to school anymore. There's no purpose to it. I'm not good at anything, and I'm not a smart person. School isn't for everyone, especially me. Yeah,most of my grades are descent I'm barely passing this semester.

"Er...what's wrong?" He asks with a weird look on his face. Then again there is a smile carved into his face.


"Yeah, sure." He gives me a sarcastic tone, and crosses his arms. Yeah, like a murderer wants to know about my problems. Think again, Alex.

"So, why are you always killing people?" I ask rudely.

"I'm not killing people, I'm putting them out of they're misery of the worlds cruel intentions."

"That's a nice way to put it, I guess."

"Its the truth." He says. Then he gets up and comes towards me. Yay, he might kill me and put me out of my misery. Thank you!

"Ooh, you got a scratch on your cheek." He points out. I cup my cheek. I feel the fresh wound and blood appears on my finger tips.

"Guess so."

He gets up. "Where's your first aide kit?"

"Kitchen pantry." I say. He nods then leaves the room. I wonder why he's helping me instead if hurting me. This is weird...I'm so confused. This guy has been killing people non- stop. Later, Jeff comes back with the first aide kit in his hand. This is all so weird! A murderer kill people, not heal.

"Stay still." He orders, and I obey. He takes out a bandage pad and puts it on my wound. It feels a little better.

"I don't get it, why are you helping me?" I ask on accident.

"Because, you almost got raped, at least I can do is help." He looks down.

"Well, thanks." I say.

"My work here Is done." He stands up. "Time for me to go."

"Alright, bye."

"Bye." He jumped out of my window. After he's gone I feel a tight pain in my chest. I feel really empty now. Then I start to think.

Amber, Kayla you will pay for what you have done. I have done nothing to deserve this type of cruelty from you two. I've always been a good girl, never hurt anyone, or disobeyed anyone. I'm sick of peoe treating me like shit, and walking all over me. Especially my dad! I'm really tired of his shit too. All he ever does is yell at me and make me feel low. Like I'm worthless, like I'm...nothing.

People say revenge is for the weak. Then I must be weak. I don't care I will get my revenge on those too bitches. Somebody will have to pay, and that's them. An evil smirk comes across my face.

Wonder what we can do?

A voice says through my head. That's weird but kinda cool.

Kill them...

Do it...

Its worth it...

Super psycho love (Jeff the killer romance)Where stories live. Discover now