Chapter 6

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Jeff and I walk through the forest together. Damn its so cold out here I can't stand it. "Okay, dronwing your clothes is gonna be simple." He says.

"Oh? How we gonna do it?"

"You'll see."

"Yeah, leave me in suspence, thanks." I say sarcastically, but Jeff doesn't seem to get that.

"Welcome!" He cheers. I just roll my eyes. Ugh, I just wanna know now. After several steps taken we finally arrive to the lake. The body of green water was surrounded by lifeless grass. Gross. It even smells like trash. So nasty.

"This lake is disgusting." I whine.

"Yeah, that's why we're at this lake."

"That doesn't make any sense." I cross my arms.

"Do I have to spell it out for you?" He sighs. I just stay quiet, I really have no idea why the condition of the lake matters. "We dump the clothes in a nasty lake so no one will go in a nasty lake!"

"Oh..." I say.

"Damn, you aren't the brightest lightbulb I'm the lamp, aren't ya?" He teases me.

"Shut up!"

"Just give me your clothes." He holds out a hand. I hand him my clothes, my pretty but bloody clothes. He takes a rope out from his pocket then ties the clothes in a small rectangle while knotting rocks with the ropes. Oh, I get it. If you don't put the rocks on it would just float. But with the rocks on it will sink to the bottom. Damn...maybe Jeff's right. I'm not the brightest lightbulb in the lamp.

"Why couldn't you just tell me what you were doing to my clothes earlier?"

"Just to irritate you." He says while throwing the clothes into the lake. God, he likes to be obnoxious.

"W-What?! Why?" I ask. He walks towards me then pats my head.

"Its amusing." He laughs.

"No its not!" I'm getting really annoyed. How is being mean to me amusing?

"Heh, its cute." He laughs and walks away. I feel blush arrive onto my cheeks. C-Cute? He thinks I'm being cute? Eh...why am I blushing? Why is my heart beating really fast? Most of all why do I feel?

"L-Lets just go." I say then start to walk in front of him.

"Were are we going now?" He throws his hands up in the air.

"I'm going to my house." I say. Then start to retrace my steps. I need to get home. I'm beat and tired from all of this.

"What about me?!"

"Go home. I'll probably see you later." I choo him away with my hand.

"Ugh, fine." He whines then we part our ways. I'm tired too, I think I pulled a muscle. Damn, killing is a job.

I start to think while I walk into the forest. Should I have killed Kayla? Or just beat the living shit out of her?

Killing her was easier, and more enjoyable to see her suffer.

Just like she made you suffer.

Maybe your right.

We are..

She was a bitch too. She tried to get a guy to rape me. Who the fuck does that? And Amber was in on it too. Should I kill her too? Hmm...I'll think about it. I really hated that bitch...more than Kayla. She was meaner than Kayla. Maybe I should just...

How about you don't kill her right away and make her think you will...

Sounds like a good plan. Damn...I'm a psychopath. I really don't fucking care anyways.

I suddenly find myself in front of my own house. I look up at it. Good thing my dad gets home after I get home from school. He'll think I was at school all day, until he ever finds out the truth. Maybe...if the feds catch me.

I enter my home. The familiar smell of lemon pledge and peppermint hit me like a brick wall. Ugh, I'm gonna go upstairs. I wonder if they will find my hand prints. Well the only thing I did was stab her with the knife that Jeff threw in the lake along with my clothes. What else? I only pulled her hair, so I think they can't detact hand prints on hair follicles.

"Ugh, I totally forgot!" I yell aloud.

My dad will probably get a call from my school telling me I'm not here. Shit! That school is so possessive its unbelievable! Fucking retarded.

I'm hungry. Time to get something to eat. I go downstairs and open the fridge. Really nothing to eat. Sigh. I'll just make a quick sandwich.


"Alex!" I hear my dad call my name.


"Get down here, young lady." He shouts back calmly. Shit, you know your in trouble when your parent uses formal words on you. Like young lady or your full name. I find my dad in the kitchen.

"What's up?"

"I got a call from the school, why weren't you at school?" He asks calmly. My dad can be patient sometimes. That's great, but most the time he yells at me a lot for really stupid shit.

"I had really bad cramps..." I lied. A horrified expression landed on his face.

"Oh okay! Next time just tell me." He says then leaves with with food stuffed in his mouth.

"Okay." I smile. Haha, got off the hook like that!

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