Chapter 4

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Just so ya know I might update a lot. So yeah. Enjoy this chapter

My alarm blares off. I hit it hard with my fist. I really don't wanna go to school. I don't wanna go to school so bad that I feel like crying, but I'm not gonna cry. Fuck this!

Instead of going to school and being the good girl that you always are...

Let's get some revenge...

Revenge! Oh, yeah I forgot about that. An evil smirk introduces intself onto my lips. Its only fair. They try to hurt me, I hurt them...

Might as well just kill them...

Kill?! Kill a person?!

Actually persons...

I don't know if I can. I'm not that strong. But killing someone?

I'm just gonna get ready for school. God, I hate school with a burning passion. I do my normal morning routine. Wash my face, brush my teeth, brush my hair, then do my makeup.

Then I slip on a paid of blue jeans and an oversized black sweater. Oh and my black combat boots. You can never have enough black. Okay, I'm ready. I'm gonna skip breakfast I'm not that hungry.

You need a weapon just in case...

Oh, good idea! I think I'll just take a knife. Just in case I don't wanna be assaulted again. Last time I was just lucky when Jeff stopped him. So weird that a killer would help me. I slip the knife into my bag. I don't wanna get hurt again.

Time to leave for the bus. Those butches are there. The thing that really sucks is they're the only girls on my bus stop. So they can do anyrhig to me without getting in trouble by other students.

And you can do anything to them...

I slip my backpack on then head our the door. Today only Kayla was there. Bitch, I wanna cut her. I wanna fucking her hurt as much as that bitch hurt me. Making my day he every day. I've never done anything to her. I don't see why she has a need to pick on me. I just ignore her, I'm trying not to kill her right now.

"I see your still alive and you don't seem like your sore." I hear Kayla snicker at me. Damn, I'm so done. I give her the most evil stares. "Sorry, sensitive topic." She raises her hands.

Let's end this bitch right here and now!

Do it!

Kill her!

End her!

I start to laugh to myself. So much things I can do to her! I can do so many things...its funny. No! Amusing! I start to laugh aloud and she just stares at me. Time to die! I keep laughing.

"Your a psychopath." She just looks at me in disgust. I turn my attention towards her.

"Maybe your rfinish  I unzip my bag slowly, then reach for my knife. I drop my bag and face her with the knife in my grasp. She gives me a scared look, that brings a smile to my face.

"W-What are y-you doing?!" She stutters, I walk towards her slowly. She starts to run but I grab her hair and slam her onto the ground before she can get away. She's my prey now, and I'm the predator.

"Stop! I'm sorry! We shouldn't have done that!" She begs, and begs for me to not do anything to her.

"I think I'll end you here and now." I smile.

"N-No-" before she can finish I run the knife over her throat, fast and quietly. Her eyes widen and she gasps for air. I just laugh at her. Then I raise the knife and stab her multiple times.

Die bitch!


After I'm done with her I get off of her dead limp body. How am I gonna clean this up? Fuck it! I'll just leave her here. I should feel guilty, but I really don't...I don't feel guilt...I don't feel anything at all. I grab my bag from the concrete.

I run into the forest I don't think anyone will find me here. Ooh, a tree! I'll climb it. I climb my way up to the tree. Then I sit on a hard branch.

My hands and my clothes are full of blood. Great! I really liked these jeans too. Sad.

Its cold out here. Then again it is February. I pull up my knnes to my chest then hold them. I'm cold and tired. I close my eyes and relax a little.


I almost jump out of the tree. I see Jeff looking up at me. "What?!"

"Why aren't you at school?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"What are you my dad?" I ask sracstically.

"Come down from the tree!" He shouts at me. Ugh, effort. I climb down the tree my using the branches. Then I jump down and land on both feet. "What happened?" He points the the blood that was spaltered on my cheek.

I cross my arms. "You'll think I'm a psychopath if I told you."

"Really? I'm a mass murderer. I think you can tell me."

"They wouldn't leave me alone..." I look down. Now, I feel guilty! What the fuck?

"Those two girls, well one now."

"How did you know-"

"Don't you remember I was stalking you?" He stops. "Wow, that dosnet sound creepy at all."

I feel a little better. ""

"You killed one."

"Oops!" I shrug and raise my hands up.  He laughs.

"Who were those bitches anyway?"

He asks me. He stuffs his hands in his pockets.

"They just enjoyed picking on me all the time." I say nonchalantly.

Jeff has a sad look on his face, then he snaps out of it. "I don't blame you, bullies are the worst."


"Where did you put the body?"

"Um...I just left it."

"Just hope they don't find a lot if finger prints." He sighs, and palms his head.

"Well I took my stuff, and I only used my knife on her." I say.

"You might be safe." He sighs. "Come on, you need to get cleaned up." He motions me to walk with him. I walk besides him. Wonder where we are going?

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