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Saturday, July 4th!!


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    Katara cut down the cage and it slammed to the ground with a bang. When I got there, Sokka was already trying to beat it with a rock. "Why do we always attract trouble," I groaned at Aang as I sent my fire at the metal, melting it. "Aang move back, my fire is going to be hot, and it will burn you." I watched Aang move back in his cage.

    It took me a few moments to burn completely through the cage. "Katara can you cool the fire with your water so Aang can come out?" I looked to Katara who was already bending her water out. She placed it on the molting metal and we watched it sizzle. I helped Sokka up and watched Aang slide out.

    Sokka points at Toph and Aang dropped into a stance, only to stand up, because we realized we weren't really needed. Toph had this all under control. "Want to get seats over there?" I pointed to where Toph's father and Student-Abuser were sitting. We all nodded and started walking over there. But before we even got there, Toph was done.

    "She's the greatest Earth Bender I've ever seen!" Student-Abuser said his voice high as he splayed hands towards Toph.

   "Dad, I know it's hard for you to see me this way, but the obedient little helpless blind girl that you think I am just isn't me. I love fighting. I love being an Earth Bender. And I'm really, really good at it. I know I've kept my life secret from you, but you were keeping me secret from the whole world. You were doing it to protect me. But I'm twelve years old and I've never had a real friend. So now that you see who I really am, I hope it doesn't change the way you feel about me." She looked down at the ground. I wanted to run over to her and give her a huge hug.

    "Of course it doesn't change the way I feel about you, Toph. It's made me realize something."

    "It has?" Her voice was full of hope.

   "Yes. I've let you have far too much freedom. From now on, you will be cared for and guarded 24 hours a day." This made my mouth drop open from shock. That was not where I thought this was going. The absolute opposite actually.

    "But dad!" I thought back to my own Baba, he totally just sent me out into the world. He was like a mother bird sending his chicks out of the nest and hoping they fly. Luckily I did, I almost chuckle. It was absolutely the opposite of this situation.

    It was silent the entire way back. I gave the gAang a concerned looked, but they all shrugged, not knowing what to do. Then I realized all of us pretty much grew up without parents. So we were socially awkward in this situation. When we made it back, they explained the situation to Toph's mother.

    "We are doing this for your own good, Toph." She replied.

     "Please escort the Avatar and his friends out. They are no longer welcome here." Well, I didn't want to be here anyway. It's too musty and the air is thick with overprotectiveness, it almost made me throw up.

    "I'm sorry, Toph." Did they have a heart to heart while they were kidnapped together?

    "I'm sorry, too. Goodbye, Aang." Toph responded. It was that or one of them got hit in the head by a flying rock because they were at each others throats at the dinner table. I felt Toph's fire flicker sadly, I looked over my shoulder to see a tear drip down her face.

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    "We should kidnap her, actually this time," I said climbing onto Appa.

The Little Dragonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें