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November 18th, 2020


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    I instantly felt Sokka's fire start coming up the mountain. "He's here!" Toph beat me to it. I forgot that she could feel him just like myself from the same distance away. I hope that Sokka had a good day of training.

    I hopped to my feet and ran to the trail to see Sokka coming up, a smile on his face, in his new black uniform. "Sokka!" I smiled and waved my hand over my head.

    He looked up and waved back at me. Almost instantly, Aang and Katara zoomed past me and met him halfway. Their voices being heard from all the way down the mountain, "We missed you so much." Katara jumped into her brother's arms.

    "Say something funny." Aang jumped around him like a little kid wanting candy. I smiled at the sight, my hands on my hips. We truly were like family at this point.

     "Funny how?" Sokka responded and they both burst out laughing. It wasn't even forced. I guess that humor does come in many shapes and sizes.

    "What's their deal?" Sokka had reached the top and looked between Toph and I.

    Toph beat me to speaking "I don't know. They missed you or something. I didn't care." She turns away, blushing slightly with a smile on her face. Awe I wanted to jump and hug her. But surely that would get me launched all the way down to town.

    "Thanks. That warms my heart. Anyway, I need some help." He looked at me. I raised a brow, curious to what he wanted to ask me.

    "I need some of that crater." Life shot into me.

    "Alright! Let's go!" A raised a fist and turned around, heading in the opposite direction of where Sokka had just come from. "Off to gather some space rocks!"

    Sokka, Aang, Katara, and I were pushing the meteorite up the slope to Piandao's castle. Toph is behind the meteorite, pushing it forward with her earth bending.

    When we finally got there it was almost dark. Sokka runs to the doors and bangs both knockers frantically. Piandao opens one of the doors almost immediately and steps out. "Who's this?" He looked at all of us, then his eyes stayed a little bit too long on me.

    I let out a gulp and avoided eye contact. It feels like he knows who I am. "Oh, these are my friends. Just other good Fire Nation folks." Piandao bows to us, maybe he didn't know who I was. I let out a breath of relief. "Do you think we can make a sword out of a meteorite?"

    Piandao lays a hand on the meteorite and examines it. "We'll make a sword unlike any other in the world." He looked at me. "You look like you know fire bending. Would you care to help?" Oh, he definitely knows who I am. My heart stopped in my chest.

    "I don't know... I'm new to fire bending." I fiddled with my hands. Maybe it was best to go and keep an eye on him so that he doesn't call the Fire Nation army and tell them I'm alive. Though, they probably know I am alive from that pain, Zuko.

    "Come on, Kaida, you know your Fire Bending is second to none!" I was delighted by his compliment but now wasn't the time. I was this close to punching Sokka, for blowing my cover. Piandao's eyes widen and then soften into a smile. 

    "Kaida? What a rare name." I gritted my teeth in distaste. I glanced around trying to find somewhere else to look when saw the logo on the door. My eyes widen as well. That was the lotus flower.

    My eyes snapped up, "The lotus was ready to bloom." I blurted out. All eyes snapped to me. The gang looked at me like I was insane. But they weren't the ones that needed to hear it. Seeing if those words resonated within Piandao. His eyes once again widen to the size of plates and nodded his head.

    "It is indeed. Now let's hurry inside. We do not have a lot of time." He ushered us in and we waved goodbye to the rest of the gang.

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    "Are you an idiot!" I slapped the back of Sokka's head lightly. "You can't refer to me as Kaida in the Fire Nation. I'm am the biggest traitor of Fire Nation history. Probably bigger than Uncle Iroh himself!"

    "I'm sorry. I'm sorry! Heat this a little more please!" He flammed the fire and I sighed and complied with him. "Perfect! Now it's a little too hot. Slow it down." If he cared so much why doesn't he light the flame himself? My eyebrow twitched.

    "He knows everything." He took out the mold to look at it, slammed a hammer down onto it before shoving it back into the flames. "Well, everything about me. He is my master after all." I furrowed my brows.

    "You are too trusting Sokka. Not everyone who shows you kindness is an ally." I learned this the hard way, too many times.

    "I know." He kneeled, fanning the flame again. "But he is my master." My heart twisted for Sokka. I understood where he was getting at. I patted him on the back, about to speak again, and tell him it's fine to trust Piandao because I would protect him regardless of the outcome.

    "Kaida." Piandao popped his head into the workshop. "May I speak with you?" He glanced at Sokka who was still fanning the fire. I nodded my head, walking out of the room.

    "Sokka trusts you a lot," I said bluntly. "Especially for a Fire Bender."

     "He is a very trusting student." I nodded my head at that.

    "Iroh sent me." I got straight to the point. "He's in jail. He wanted me to pass the message on to you. I think he trusts you will know what to do with it." I got lucky that Sokka wanted to train here. If he hadn't I would only be carrying useless information.

    "The world is changing." I nodded my head with that. "I want to thank you." I bowed my head to him.

    "Thank me for what?" He chuckled patting me lightly on the shoulder. "Raise your head."

    "Being an ally." We were outside and I looked up at the moon. "Dangerous times are among us." His hand squeezed my shoulder. "So!" A smile crawled onto my face. "Tell me about this Lotus cult! Where do I sign up? Iroh refuses to tell me."

    "Maybe when you are older," He raised a hand to his mouth and chuckled. I pouted my lips.

    "No way! You old men will be dead by then! Let me carry on your legacy!" He continued to laugh as we walked into the main house.

    "Hm, you wouldn't be the one carrying my legacy in the group." Turned his head and starred through the walls in the direction of Sokka. I pouted.

    "So there is no way I can join? I can't take anyone's place?" he shook his head.

    "Just because you won't take mine, doesn't mean you won't take someone else's." Hope fuels my fire in an instant.

    "Who do you think it will be?" He looked at me and shrugged. What a mean old man. Let me know your secrets already. We walked into his room and he sat at the desk that was in front of a large window. He took out a brush and paper and started to write a letter.

    "What did you need me for again?" I slumped down in the seats by the fireplace. I leaned back, enjoying the feeling of comforting seats, its been so long since my butt has been blessed like this.

    "I need you to send some letters to me." I raised a brow at that.

    "No can do." I made an 'X' with my arms. "I'm not going to be a messenger of a cult I'm not even apart of." He huffed out a laugh.

    "It's not a cult." I crossed my arms, still refusing to budge on the topic. He sighed, a weak smile on his lips. "Fine." I stood up, punching the air.

    "Hold on though. Your proper acceptance ceremony comes later when everyone is together. Though, I know you don't care, so, welcome to the Order of the White Lotus."

    I walked over and took the letter that was outstretched in his hands. "Happy to be here."

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