1: The Strangest

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"Fire!" A guard shouted in panic and fear. He and two guards ran through the Doomed towards a blaze growing stronger within a prison cell. Frantic they were, having no idea where to seek the nearest water source to quench it before it skipped to the neighboring cells. Prisoners yelled at the top of their lungs.

Eron grinned at the chaos he had caused. A simple bushel of hay from the stables, scattered about the lonely cell was enough to cause a great distraction. He hid in the shadows as a third guard – no soldier, the watchman – ran by towards the chaos.

Tall and slim for his age of eleven, he slipped into the hall the watchman had left and approached an occupied cell. He peered through the bars and held back tears. The pretty girl was still strapped to the bed, one needle attached to a tube stuck from her arm dripping blood into a glass jar on the floor.

He entered the cell with caution, nerves bubbling at the pit of his gut. The girl whimpered, head facing the wall where his shadow grew from the lantern on the floor. The girl gasped and turned to face him, gracing him with her sad purple eyes.

"Don't be afraid," he whispered. He carefully pulled out the needle and she broke into tears.

"I'm scared," she cried in a little voice.

"Don't be. I'm here to help you."

Yesterday, her mother claimed she was nine-years-old while pleading for their lives before King Thaddeus. They accused the mother of witchcraft and her daughter a product of it. But some suggested she could be mystical like him. He didn't care what she was. She did not deserve to die or be bled like an animal for the princess.

Letting the needle drop to the floor, he unbuckled her. Her body trembled, weak from the loss of blood and distress, so he helped her off the bed.

"What are you?" she said.

"I'm a Fiisen," he said. She gave him a confused look. So, he sparked his index finger on fire. She gasped; a smile of awe crossed her face.

"Why are you helping me?" she said, wiping the tears off her brown cheeks.

Eron couldn't think of what to say. He had seen too many people die, many by his own cursed hands. Never had he the opportunity to save any condemned children. Until now. Right when he peered into her calm majestic eyes, his heart told him to do the right thing.

So that's what he told her.

He made her climb onto his back. Her heavy breathing warmed his burn scar on his neck and motivated him to keep going. He exited the cell to go the way he had come and ran straight into the watchman.




Eron gasped awake, blinking rapidly as old forgotten memories filled his head.


Where am I? What happened? He thought until a familiar ache and nausea swam through his body, and reality struck him hard. He was strangling Gris as Sii and the three soldiers took care of an angry Mageia. And then... another wave of magic. His skin itched, releasing uncontrolled heat into his commander's uniform. It didn't know where to exit, so it turned into perspiration, slicking wet against his skin. This only meant one thing.

His sooth was gone. Again!

Movement caught his right peripheral. He froze, staring up at a familiar face. A young Elf from Athenia with unblemished brown skin save for the dark rings around his lifeless eyes reflecting not a single etch of light. His pointed ears poked out from his curly silky hair glistening against the lantern lights of the underground base. He rolled his boot, propped on a leg, matching his ankle-length cloak, and glared down at him from his perch.

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