13: The Story

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Eron tried to ignore Tarkel's worried fidgeting as they walked through the palace to the Justice Hall. He knew why his manservant was worried. At some point in the meeting, Grisonce's lack of appearance would be addressed and Eron would be questioned. So, he tried thinking of possible answers to give the king, but they all did not answer why he didn't issue a Royal Cry or alert the king.

He had quickly returned to his room to freshen up after his horrid conversation with Joelis. He left Vamon in his study to write up a quick report for him and to meet him at the throne room when he was finished. Eron chewed and swallowed the residue of amberia leaves he stuffed into his mouth and prayed this meeting wouldn't make him look like a complete fool.

Eyes glanced at him as he entered the noisy throne room. A groan trembled through him seeing everyone who thought themselves important had invited themselves. Only the Court was summoned, as Vamon had put it, so Eron hoped the king would tell the extras to leave. He stared longingly at a chair wishing to sit and relieve his aching legs, but he kept his stance to the right of the platform with his chin high and hand gripping, his sword, Yadonesar.

The five appointed councilmen entered and sat in their designated seats along with the five judges who were unmistakably on time. Time seemed to drag on and voices grew louder and bodies restless as they waited for the king. Then Vamon appeared beside him holding the thick book of reports with his face beet red.

"Are you okay Vamon?" Tarkel asked.

"Yes. Yes. I think I noted everything," Vamon said.

Eron swallowed. "Good."

He caught eyes with Master Joras across the floor who stood boring holes into his face. Eron returned the glare waiting for the ridiculous fisican to get intimidated and look away but instead he only glowered with disgust, clutching his shoulder pouch. Eron shifted feet and tried to ignore the man and his reasons for his directed spite. And for the first time ever he felt exposed as if he'd walked out his chambers wearing nothing but his loins. Catching eyes with Joelis sitting behind the row of councilmen, the hairs along Eron's arms stood at the man's mischievous smirk.

Maybe I shouldn't have come to this meeting.

The urge to slip away nagged him until the door to the side of the platform opened. The king and Gideon's escorts exited and surrounded the platform as if they would expect an attack. The two looked well-kept unlike everyone else in the room who looked like they could fall asleep on the floor if it were permitted.

Everyone bowed or curtsied as Dimitri sat in his gigantic chair. He didn't look very happy, but who did? Eron felt his skin crawl and he hated himself for being nervous.

"Good evening everyone," King Dimitri said. "I don't want to keep you long. I only want quick reports on the present situation of the riots and the fire, directly from my chiefs and masters. Full reports will be granted during a Court Summons I will have next week once we've found our bearings."

"It's good to see you're well, Your Majesty," Councilman Aden Tiishore said with a pleased smile.

"Thank you, Councilman Tiishore. And thank you to the Court for coming in such short notice, especially under such circumstances. As I said, I don't want to keep you long. We have much to do."

"Where would you like to begin, Your Majesty?" Judge Niimor Criily said dabbing a handkerchief across his wrinkled forehead.

Dimitri nodded and scanned the room with disappointment. Eron's throat felt dry and his stomach growled against the settled muscle aches. But he kept his stance and prepared to give his report and prayed to the gods this won't go south. And then it did.

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