14: Something Bad

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Huge inhale. Slow exhale. And repeat. Her magic was anxious beneath her skin, desiring to burst free. After Lenny and some others somehow convinced the prince to stay, some of the Elders and children led him away to bombard him with questions and gaze at him as he laughed and made small jokes.

A part of her wanted to tell him to just return home but catching glances at him throughout the encampment brought a spark of joy in her soul. When she said her goodbyes and sent Lenny and Zane away, she thought of the prince's vision. It sounded very important, something dangerous to be addressed. But of all times this had to happen when her heart was set on freeing her family.

Shame. Mageia shook her head.

Her kingdom was so hellbent on preserving a two-hundred-year-old practice of slavery and executions that they guarded the borders as if the kingdom were under attack. Trekon had told her stories of kingdoms in Valeera filled with the spirit of freedom, whereas one could come and go as they pleased, do as they please. If only she had been born in one of those places. If only the Golden King hadn't usurped the Goranian Throne, she would've had a totally different life.

She would've had her mother and her blood-father raising her and teaching her everything she needed to know about the world. They would've lived in a beautiful house and possibly didn't need to hide her in a tower from people. But if that had happened, she would've never had an amazing stepfather or met her best friend or grew such a wonderful family.

Mageia inhaled and exhaled, slow and easy again as she dipped her hand into the cool running water of the stream. It sent a lovely chill up her arm and the magic twitched in response. Fireflies buzzed around the lantern by her foot, almost in harmony. She closed her eyes and listened to the rush of the water and the crickets working hard to sing above it.

If only life could stay this peaceful.

Careful footsteps approached from behind. Instantly, the magical sensation she had felt earlier from Dean pricked at her new sensory. He was afraid to speak. Ever since she spoke those harsh words to him at the meeting, he'd kept his distance only when necessary.

"I apologized," he said.

"Hmm," she said, happy he took the initiative to take responsibility for his radical behavior.

"I'm sorry to you too, Geia," he said. "I don't know what came over me."

I know what came over you, she wanted to say, but sighed instead.

"Will yuh talk to me ever?"

Mageia chuckled and her magic danced with love and excitement. She stood and went to give him a hug. After a while, locked in his embrace, she said, "You will always be my best friend, Dean. I will always cherish and be thankful for you. Never forget that."

They peeled a part just in time to see him blush. He stood straighter, held out his chest, and smiled joyously.

"Same here, Geia."

After a while his smile transitioned into an unsure frown.

"Talk to me Dean?"

"Earlier, when yuh said y'could feel magic from inside of me. What did yuh mean?"

Mageia stared at him for a minute to gather her thoughts. "From our casual studies we learned about Soothers. There are six types that live all over the realm."

"That Fiisen Commander being one, yeah I know, but me? Geia?"

"You said you've been feeling weird and sick since midnight? Describe it?"

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