11: Monstrous

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Many reports flooded in from all over the kingdom that needed his eye

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Many reports flooded in from all over the kingdom that needed his eye. He had to choke down a few tarty brown amberia leaves with warm grape wine to prevent himself from fainting. Despite being used to this, he wanted to redirect everyone and everything to Joelis, his supposed second man, Captain of the Guard. But then he knew Joelis would stalk him down and seek audience with him just to brag to or to boast or to complain or to ridicule him.

So, he had to delay his visit to the infirmary. But he was able to ask Andison, who returned to his post at his door, to inspect the woods and the infirmary and to find Dargany for him.

But hours had gone by already drifting pass noon and he hadn't heard from the sleepy-eyed soldier. So skillfully, he did his rounds and avoided contact with the conniving Joelis who revealed his presence by his booming voice that never seemed to shut up. Also, guards would scurry away from a specific direction casting him the "run" look. Slaves both men, women, and even children would run pass him crying and caressing the location where they've been struck.

Eron had faced this man too many times as a boy. When King Thaddeus wasn't barking at him and forcing him to torture people, it was Joelis who was doing it for him- but worse. He hated whenever Thadd would send him to shadow the cold-hearted man and live with him in his home in Greenshiin. If he wasn't such a fearful coward at the time, he would've found the courage to set his castle on fire while he slept and watched him burn.

"Commander Eron, how are you today?" Lady Liana said jumping up from her chair at the welcome desk in the royal infirmary.

"Barely making it, Lady Liana," he said passing the beautiful Fair his charming smile.

He shared two secret nights with the young woman, but he'd choose his maidservant Malana any day. She smiled and slipped a loose strand of hair behind an ear and shifted feet.

"I'm guessing you're here to check on your injured authorities," she said unable to keep her eyes from exploring his face.

He cleared his throat and looked around the empty waiting area. "I am," he said.

Lady Liana slipped around the desk and gestured for him to follow.

"Wew. It's been a hectic day, Commander."

"Indeed," he said in his deep husky voice.

As they entered the double doors into the infirmary, he was greeted with the strong smell of blood, sweaty bodies, herbs, and anti-septic. The air was ten times warmer and stickier with almost every bed occupied. One side of the vast room held slaves while the other, soldiers, guards, and palace residents. Each had curtains for privacy, but he could hear the low chatter, coughing, and moans in the air.

"Most of these men are fireguards," Lady Liana said as they maneuvered down and across aisles. "In total there are twenty soldiers, thirteen guards, and three knights suffering from smoke inhalation and burns. And don't get me started with the injuries given by the damn slaves. They almost beaten one guard to death. Gods."

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