6: Overwhelmed

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Anger seeped through his aching body as he entered a hidden door that led to a guard post beside the King's Road

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Anger seeped through his aching body as he entered a hidden door that led to a guard post beside the King's Road. He took a moment to recuperate in one of the private rooms and also to avoid the captain of the post and his possible questions concerning his disheveled state. He used one of their washrooms to wash the underground muck and sweat off his pale skin. Then slipped into a knight's cloak, sought any updates from the palace, gave new orders, and took a horse from the stable to ride to the entry of the Hiivale Wall.

His mind replayed the forgotten memory of meeting Mageia when he was a boy. It confused him and only enhanced his pain. How could he forget something like that? How did he not sense they were familiar when they first met? Those purples eyes...

He gasped as a sharp pain slid up his torso. He muffled a gag and tapped his horse to trot faster down the King's Road. A group of fireguards shouted as they worked to put out fires and soldiers were still chasing down people or breaking up crowds. Some people stood wearily in the streets of lower Hiilaan with eyes raised up to the sky. That's when he noticed the eerie pounding of thunder. There were no storm clouds. Even the sun shined bright on her throne without any care of the noise surrounding her.

"What's going on?" he heard a man shout.

Eron gripped his reigns. An unsettling feeling wiggled in his gut. Something was not right.

Partly he was content that the sky distracted everyone from the Fiisen, but his position as Commander of the King's Army pressed him to order people back into their homes. His throat and his neck continued to sting where Narssina's dark magic strangled him. He grinded his teeth, pissed off at himself for upsetting his queen. She had never been this angry with him in a very long time.

Damn Grisonce!

Finally, he arrived at the Hiivale Wall which for the first time in all his years the gigantic doors were sealed shut. Soldiers with shields and unsheathed swords stood on full patrol in front of the entry as people Fair, Strange, rich, and poor stood shouting and waving weapons and torches in the air. He also noticed a few bodies lying on the ground in puddles of blood.

"Leave now or we will shoot you down," one soldier bellowed.

Eron looked up the great wall spotting three archers preparing to shoot. With a disapproving frown, he dismounted at a guard's post attached to the wall with an accompanied stable. One soldier, spotting him, whispered to a servant boy who dashed off inside. Possibly to alert the Chief in charge of his arrival. His heart stuttered realizing he had to go to the top of the massive ancient wall and stop this foolishness before it grew out of hand.

He ignored everyone who stared at him and stood alert at his presence. Some nodded and some did the official hand to heart then giving it to the honoree salute before quickly walking away. He ascended the post's tower wiping away beads of sweat from his brow. A burning sensation erupted in his legs, but he pressed onward to the top.

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