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Alex's POV;


Kate was out for some business and that meant there was no one to remind me about lunch. I ended up working through lunch hours and now my stomach was craving food like never before.

A knock on the door pulled my attention away from my computer screen that displayed a boring datasheet, Olivia was standing in the doorway looking as beautiful as ever, "I see you're busy." she smiled with a hand on the doorknob.

I ushered her in, with a vague hand gesture and got to my feet to greet her properly, "It's okay, come on in."

We both settled on the couch, she denied the coffee that I offered to make, instead, she said. "I got something for you since you worked straight through your lunchtime." Shooting me a fake disapproving glare, "Seriously Alex stop, you're making us all look bad." I laughed.

She pulled out a box from the brown paper bag she carried and handed it to me. I opened the box to find beautiful macaroons and cupcakes staring back at me. "You're a goddess," I said to Olivia, making her chuckle at how serious I was.

"Go ahead... I already had lunch." She didn't have to tell me twice, I picked up a chocolate cupcake and took a bite happily.

"So what brings you here, other than saving me from starvation." I mused.

"I just dropped in to say goodbye." the fun-carefree atmosphere suddenly disappeared.

"You're leaving already?" I couldn't disguise the disappointment and shock I felt at that moment.

"Yeah, everything is officially yours now, I know you'll take good care." she smiled encouragingly.

"I hope so." I chuckled, trying not to feel emotional at her departure.

"I won't ask what happened during the meeting yesterday with you and Jensen, but I'm sure you'll win him over soon, just like you did everyone else."

"You noticed that?" I cringed, and he might have told her all the details.

She laughed lightly, "It was kind of hard not to." Maybe that whole thing wasn't as discreet as I thought it was. I tried not to let on that I'd heard her and Jensen's conversation yesterday.

"Wait, what do you mean 'everyone else'?" I was positively confused.

Olivia rolled her eyes this time, "Like you don't know.... everyone else is smitten with you, all the agents think you are perfect for this job and they are looking forward to working with you."

This was news to me and after what I heard last time this was definitely good news, "That's nice to know" Hearing her say this made me happy and gave me courage. So they genuinely liked me, they all weren't just being nice because I'm new and their boss. Maybe that too...

"Anyway, I'll get going now, my ride is waiting..." She picked up her purse and prepared to leave, "All the best to you." We hugged before she left and I felt like I would miss a dear friend.


A week flew by with my same old boring schedule, the only remarkable change in my day was instead of warm, approachable Olivia, now I had to report to fiendish, grumpy Jensen Black and that's the single most awkward thing I have to do all day. It's like all my nightmares were coming true.

When I finished working on the file he had assigned to me, I went to his office to brief him. He lacked the general friendly warmth that I felt in the presence of Olivia or anybody else for that matter, he just nodded without looking at me, pointed out a few mistakes and updates he wished to make coldly and then dismissed me like I was a kid in the Principal's office.

Employed Epoch Of Alex Brook | Book 1| Humor-Romance (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now