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Jensen's POV:-


I was prepared to knock on the door but found it standing completely ajar, making me stop at the door frame, caught off guard at the scene unfolding in front of my eyes... chaos and noise greeted me but nothing could have prepared me for this.

Kyle Brook?!
Freaking Kyle Brook was here, in my office building and I had no idea how I felt about that. There was another man in the room with them. Tall, dressed in an all-black suit and he wore dark shades even indoors. He looked like a bodyguard, or maybe he was doing a matrix cosplay. What was going on there?

My gaze shifted suddenly and I tried to take in the situation. Alex was standing on the opposite side of the room behind her table, gripping the desk in a death hold almost like she was restraining herself, while anger flashed in her eyes.

It wasn't directed towards me for once and I didn't know if I should be relieved or offended about that fact. There was no one else in the office, It was too late anyway, everyone else had gone home.

"I told you to take care of the problem Kyle, not create another one!" Alex said gesturing towards the 'man in black'.

"I didn't mean to Alex, but your safety is important, what if you get attacked by the paparazzi? How will you get out of that?" Kyle was saying.

"It's all your fault! You're the one who waltzed into my office without thinking twice and have you handled the news situation? Oh god, it's gonna blow up and get even more idiotic with you showing up here you dumbhead!"

Alex screamed her brains out at Kyle, but he seemed the least bit affected, almost like it was a daily occurrence and said in a calm voice "I don't care about all that, I care about your safety, I'm the elder brother... and you can't complain because these are mom's orders." he drawled out playfully.

Gobsmacked at his response, I stared wide-eyed at them. They are siblings?

"You're also the reason I'm in this mess. " Alex pointed out.

My mind started working up the pieces.... that's why she dismissed it when Josh asked her about it, that's why Alex was trying to murder Kyle, that phone call earlier was most definitely about him. And I'm definitely a moron.

That also explains their similar last names. Yeah, no shit!

As soon as I registered this information, a feeling I had not right to feel rushed through me....relief. I was relieved for some reason and now all I felt was amusement and admittedly stupid about jumping to conclusions.

"Just get lost Kyle, you're killing my brain cells, and also take your bodyguard with you I don't need him," Alex said, tired from all the yelling. "No offence to you," she said, turning to the bodyguard.

"None taken." He replied flatly. "And I think someone is at the door."

Both of them turned to look at me then, and I was slightly unsure as to what I should do, I felt like I was intruding on a family moment and felt the need to explain myself.

'I just came to apologize for being a jerk' seemed crude, but it was accurate, instead I went with:

"I just wanted to talk to you about...." I trailed off looking at Alex and held up the file that was in my hand as I walked in.

She looked embarrassed, "sorry, I-I didn't know anyone was around...." and then she decided to make introductions. "Uh-umm this is my brother Kyle Brook and Kyle...my boss Jensen Black." she gestured between us as she spoke.

Employed Epoch Of Alex Brook | Book 1| Humor-Romance (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now