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Chapter 28: GO WITH THE FLOW


Alex's POV:


I basically ran out of that room like it was on fire. The last words I spoke echoed in my mind. Did I really say that to him? That was so unlike me, what possessed me to be so blunt?

Sam was already waiting in the car as I exited the building, I quickly got in the passenger seat and strapped in.

My smile seemed to be a permanent fixture on my lips, I couldn't get rid of it.

I replayed the night's events in my mind, especially that conversation with Jensen, he said he wanted to date me, he almost kissed me. I grinned like a silly teenager.

When did I really make up my mind about us? Deep down I knew what we felt for each other was rare and after all Jensen had said and done, I really wanted to give us a chance.

Kate was going to lose her mind when I would tell her what happened tonight. I didn't know if I was excited for her reaction or frightened, maybe she'll just brush it off with a not so enthusiastic 'I told you so.' I would rather prefer that.

The scene outside the tainted car window changed as we drove away from the event venue and more into the busier parts of the city.

The night was quiet and beautiful, full moon and clearer skies tonight. Anna was right, the lake looked ethereal and a lot of guests appreciated the view.

I realised something then, the journey was awfully quiet. Sam and I are never quiet, mostly because we were both quite outspoken and found comfort in each other's company, so being honestly loud about opinions was as natural as breathing. But something seemed off.

Sam didn't start a conversation, he just drove me home, I wasn't exactly drunk just a little bit buzzed from the cocktails and champagne that I shouldn't have consumed, but I still decided that driving myself wasn't exactly smart.

It was past midnight, and I was looking forward to my bed and a peaceful night of sleep.

No wait... I had work tomorrow, an early meeting. Damn it!

I noticed a change in Sam's mood, he was quite the whole ride back. He didn't even play music, the car was filled with silence and he seemed to be entangled in deep thought.

He definitely saw Jensen and I together, I expected him to ask me about him, tease me maybe but his complete lack of interest was a little bit concerning.

Usually Sam made jokes all the way home, making me laugh to the point that my cheeks hurt but tonight there was a frown on his face, and he seemed unaware of it.

When we arrived at my place Sam opened the door for me, even if I hated it and I stepped out into the cold breeze that you only breathed at late nights.

"Tonight was so much fun, I didn't realise how much I needed it." I smiled up at him as he steadied me by holding me up by my elbow when I lost my footing in my high heels.

I chuckled "alcohol, heels and me....not a good combination."

Sam looked at me without a word, and I suddenly realised how weirdly silent he was.

When I looked up to meet his gaze I was surprised by the intensity in his deep blue eyes that seemed darker under the pearly moonlight.

There was a war going on in his head that was blatant on his face. He looked troubled, torn, conflicted and resolute all at the same time.

Employed Epoch Of Alex Brook | Book 1| Humor-Romance (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ