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Chapter 19: FRIENDS OR FOES?


I was completely disoriented when I woke up and couldn't tell my head from my toe. Before any form of light could get to my optic nerves, some annoying whispers attacked my auditory senses.

"I don't think it's the right time."

"Too hungover to care? Think about it, in fact it's the perfect time."

I could sense two familiar figures hovering over me as I attempted and failed to open my eyes. Sharp pain shot through my skull paralysing me of any form of movement.

I knew Sam and Kyle were dumb, but I never knew they lacked the common etiquettes of upping their shut around hungover humans.

"No. She'll kill me. She will actually kill me and you would probably help-"

"Then how could you let this happen? You know how she is about stuff like this."

"This happened overnight Sam. I didn't know things would spiral so out of hand."

"Ky, think about it."

"Jesus Christ, not now Sam, let's just get out of-"

"Do you really want her to find out from someone else? I mean it's everywhere, wouldn't she feel betrayed?"

"Do you really think I'm scared of the betrayal part of it?"

"What are you morons blabbering about?" I croaked, intending to yell but couldn't muster the energy. I realised I was in my bedroom in my parents house and had no recollection as to how I got there.

"Woah, woah, woah..." Kyle jumped away like I was made of blue flames, and then he dumbly asked, "Did you hear anything?" his forlorn expressions were evident.

Oh yeah... Kyle, last night, the party.... Images came back to me slowly in the form of random flashes, It made a little sense to my forgetful brain.

I gave him a blank stare. It's either too early in the morning or it's just Kyle's demented episodes catching up with him. I think he should get that checked out, even though it's already too late.

"Of course she heard, she's not deaf." Sam answered as he offered me a glass of water and I'm assuming two advils. I just took them without questioning.

I heard them alright, but it didn't make any sense, and I was in no mood to entertain them, so I simply said. "Just get out guys."

"Heard that Sam? Let's get out." Kyle seemed a little too happy to comply, as if I just offered him free tickets to an arctic monkeys concert.

"Alex I know you're tired and all, but trust me you wanna see this." Sam flipped his laptop open and swiftly placed it before my eyes to read an article the screen displayed.

"NOOO!" Kyle dived for the macbook and I cringed in pain at his screaming, hit him with the pillows and kicked him in the shin.

Kyle jumped around in pain, clutching the mac like it was dear to his heart while wrestled with Sam for it, all at the same time. "I told you not now. She's angry!"

"Yeah? Whose fault is that?" Sam tugged harder at the laptop.

"No Sam, let this go!" Kyle whined.

"You'll thank me later." Sam retrieved the detachable screen somehow and handed it to me, and then to me he said "Now, you know it's expensive and important so you shall not chuck it at Kyle's face."

I didn't need to read the whole article. The headline was enough.

"KYLE!" I screamed, hurting my hungover self in the process but I didn't care, not when I had other things to worry about. My brother ran for his life, understanding my murderous tone in a heartbeat. We had moved the fight into the living room.

Employed Epoch Of Alex Brook | Book 1| Humor-Romance (Completed)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum