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Alex's POV;


No wonder I was late for my work the next morning.

The early meeting I had got postponed so I relaxed a little bit..... or so I thought, in reality I relaxed a little too much which led to me running in the morning, almost colliding head first with a few people on my way as I hastened to get to my office.

With sore feet and still drowsy eyes, I rushed out of the elevator only to come to a screeching halt in the middle of the hallway where apparently a brawl had broken out.

Of course some dumbass thought it was perfectly okay to ruin people's morning with their unnecessarily loud opinions.

"How long do you plan to play dirty Jensen? If you wanna stay in this industry you better quit your stupid mind games!" A vaguely familiar voice boomed around the whole floor.

His back was facing me as he spat his words towards Jensen who looked straight at the man with his usual composure, but his eyes glared icily.

Kate and Nick stood beside Jensen looking worried and panicked. Other agents were gathered around seeming unsure.

The back of the man's head looked familiar, I thought. Before I could waste any brain cells on guessing who this idiot was, Jensen provided me with an answer.

"Stop blaming me for your reputation Carson! You lost the deal, fair and square." Said Jensen.

Carson! Of course, It's brick-brain Brian. This brought back memories, not very pleasant ones, because this moron was my former boss, Brian Carson, CEO of Carson Industries.

"Good thing you know my reputation, at least it won't come as a shock when I'll sue you Black." He threatened, pointing at Jensen as if there were five of him.

A few people gasped, while I rolled my eyes. Brian is all talk, I can vouch for it.

"Your lawyer's office is seven blocks to the left, you might wanna leave now if you want to beat the traffic." Jensen checked his wrist watch as he spoke, looking least bothered by Brian's empty threat.

I smirked, while Kate and Nick paled visibly, as if watching someone poking at a lion's eye.

"Now, if you need assistance leaving the building, the security will escort you out." Jensen added when Brian stood there fuming.

"This isn't over..." He gritted out and turned around only to face me. His frown deepened recognition crossing his expressions, I was about to greet him sarcastically for old times sake but he beat me to it.

"Of course you work with him." Brian scoffed viciously and walked off towards the elevator.

"Yes, the employees benefits are much better, and I don't have to deal with morons like you." I scowled at his back and shot him with a finger gun, and then blew at the fake smoke before slipping my fake gun in my bag.

I turned back around and noticed Kate face-palming, Nick confused as always and Jensen smiling ever so slightly. I saw a few other smiling faces in the crowd that had gathered.

Everyone dispersed and went back to their work, Jensen turned around to walk back to his office and I followed.

Kate threw me a disapproving look as I passed her, she was mumbling "Is that appropriate workplace behavior-"

"Later..." I didn't wait around to listen or talk back as I followed Jensen right into his office and the door closed behind us.

"Good morning." I greeted him happily.

Employed Epoch Of Alex Brook | Book 1| Humor-Romance (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now