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Chapter 33: NOT ALWAYS FUN


Alex's POV:


It feels like a whole week passed in a blink. Seems like only yesterday I was partying and going out on trips and now I'm signing deals and attending meetings. Again.

It's not always fun.

I scrolled through the contract papers of Scott Industries as I also referred to the sales charts. The numbers weren't adding up, it needed an update.

"What are you still doing here?! Everyone is already in the conference room" Nick suddenly bursted in through my office door and I almost jumped, startled.

"Oh shoot!" I quickly grabbed the required documents and dashed out.

How the heck did I forget about the meeting? I looked up at Nick "What would I do without you?"

Nick opened his mouth to answer, but I cut him off "don't answer that." He just settled for a smile.

"Conference room number three." Nick hollered when I took a wrong turn.


Reaching the correct room, I took a deep breath and gripped the door handle firmly.

Just as I entered, I mumbled a quiet "sorry" for being a couple minutes late, and quickly took my assigned seat. The lights were dimmer in order to work the projector.

Jensen looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

He was seated across from me and my eyes had no problem taking in his handsome face even in the dull lighting, before I mentally chastised myself. Kate was sitting next to him, and making notes in her small notepad.

I smiled at him apologetically, and then turned to look forward at the man who spoke about our current project.

This meeting with the advertisement company was mostly an explanatory presentation which we had to sit through as the plans for the month were laid out briefly.

In other words pure torture.

I tried not to yawn and fall asleep. The fact that the room was dark definitely wasn't helping.

I looked around to find that no one else looked tired and bored here except for me. That just can't be true. My eyes lingered on Jensen and I saw his lips lift a fraction into a small smirk, he mouthed "eyes on the screen".

Shit! I flushed red and turned to look ahead at the presentation that went on and on and tried to concentrate, with little success.

My phone vibrated on the table and the screen lit up. I picked it up with every intention of switching it off but I stopped short when I noticed Jensen's name flash up on the notification tab.


With wide eyes I looked up at him to see he was looking forward at the big display screen.

It was a text message from him. This was one of the few times he had texted me, he usually just calls me up if he had to talk and mostly it's regarding work.

Jensen Black is texting me in the middle of a meeting? This has to be a joke...I clicked on the message and it opened up.

Jensen: Would you at least pretend to not detest the harmless presentation, or is it too much to ask?

My thumb began typing as I tried to be as discreet as possible.

You: Of course it's too much to ask, you of all people should have known that. But for your sake I'll play pretend.

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