Chapter 10- Moving

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Riley's POV

"Riley baby wake up." A sexy voice said to me.

"Channing Tatum stop I'm sleeping." I mumbled and opened my eyes.

There was an angry yet sexy Asher with most of are stuff in suitcases and him dressed.

"I don't want to here about anything about another man but me!" He said yet calmer.

"Babe you're sexier than him. Plus we marked each other and had sex. Plus he's older than me." I said and sprung out of bed.

He lifted he up and let go of my hand. I followed him to the main doors of the pack house to a yellow Lamborghini.

"Nice ride." I said as we hopped in.

"We're moving out of the pack house so we can have more alone time." Asher said making me blush when he said "alone time".

"Oh and lots of alone time." He chuckles and kissed my red cheeks.

"Asher I'm not feeling good." I said and grabbed my stomach.

"Here." Asher said and gave me a beach bucket used for sand castles.

I ducked my head into the bucket letting the vomit exit my mouth. Asher rubbed my back while driving the car to are new house.

*Skip ride*

He helped me out of the car with me still holding my vomit bucket.

"Babe are you ok?" He asked, worry laced in his voice.

"I think so-"

I threw up again while he held my hair back and rubbing my back. My throat burned and I had tears running down my face.

"Ew." I said then spit into the bucket.

"Why don't I lay you down on the couch and make you some soup?" Asher asked as he walked us inside.

"And clean the bucket out." I said.

"No I'll throw it away and get you one with bags in it so we still use it." Asher said as he laid me down and placed a kiss on my forehead.

I looked around the living room in awe. I guess Asher wants a family so-

Wait a minute. Could I be pregnant? Well me and Asher didn't use protection and It could be possible.

What would he say if I was? Would he leave me?

"Here's your soup." Asher said pulling me out of my thoughts.

He sat down next to me as he watched me eat some chicken noodle soup. I moaned as I kept eating. God this soup was so good.

"Ri can you stop moaning?" Asher asked while he blushed.

I got confused and looked down at 'little Asher' poke from his jeans. I blushed and nodded as I finished the rest.

"Someone's happy to see me." I chuckled as I sat up more.

He playfully rolled his eyes as he toll my bowl away and place it in the dish washer. He came back and plopped down with me and cuddled against me.

"Do you like the house?" Asher asked as he placed his head on my stomach.

"Yes I do babe." I said as I aged with his hair.

"I can hear your heartbeat." Asher said.

"I can hear yours when I'm sleeping." I said and giggled.

"I can't wait till there is another heartbeat in you to." Asher said latching on my stomach.

"You want children?" I asked shocked.

"Of course I want you to carry my pups. I want to watch them grow up with you while we age slower together." Asher said looking me in the eye.

Ok I think I should-

"Riley I c-can hear another heartbeat in y-your stomach." Asher said wide eyed as he buried his face in my stomach.

I stayed silent and shocked. I'm pregnant and I'm 16 along with Asher. I'm still in high school in my junior year. Oh god.

"I can't believe it. I'm so lucky to have you carrying my pups and us starting are lives together!" Asher said with excitement as he hugged me.

I hugged back as I cried in his shoulder.
"Riley why are you crying?" Asher asked as he wiped my tears away.

"I'm happy that you won't leave me and stay here taking care of me and are child." I said letting more tears fall.

Since I'm a werewolf and so is Asher my pregnancy will last three months. For alphas and there mates along with betas the babies grow faster compared to a regular six months for a regular werewolf. Werewolf babies and vampire babies grow faster till there around four years old.

"Come on we need to set up are room and the new arrival." Asher said as he ran out of the room to the car.

Oh this boy.

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