Chapter 11- Nightmares and Baby names

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Riley's POV


I was chained to a wall in silver with my huge stomach holding my baby. I saw weapons used to torture people with.

Oh gosh I'm in my old packs basement where they would lock me up for days even a week tops.

The door opened and stood my old Alpha, Nick and my own brother, Kyle.

"Well well look here Ky your sister is a whore like always." Nick chuckled.

"Plus she's the reason your parents died and look at her? She got pregnant." Nick continued on.

"I'm not a slut or a whore. I'm Luna of the 'Silver Stone Pack' and I'm carrying my mates pup." I said with pride.

Nicks eyes turned black as he grabbed a army knife made of silver oh joy.

He grabbed the knife and jabbed it into my thigh. I held in my scream as blood flowed out my leg.

"Asher is going to leave you and we will get you back my dear Riley.

~Dream over~

I woke up and sat up with Asher's arm over my stomach protectively guarding are unborn pup.

"Riley? Why are you up its four in the morning." Asher grumbled as he sat up with me.

"I-I had a-a nightmare ." I said as tears flowed my eyes.

"Also your link with me was open I had to watch it all." Asher said as he hugged me trying to calm me down.

I was shaking. Asher saw what they used to do to me ever since my parents died. Since I made my own brother hate me. Since my whole world flipped upside down.

But some good came out of this. I ran away and found my mate. I made friends with Diana and Nathan who truly care for me. And I lost my virginity to my soulmate and I'm now carrying his no our baby.


"I'm gonna be an Aunt!" Diana squealed as she hugged me.

You see Diana and Nathan are visiting us. I needed some girl time along with Nathan and Asher. They needed some guy time.

"I miss you at the pack house." Diana whined.

I got up and went to the kitchen with Diana hot on my trail.

I grabbed a jar of Nutella and a spoon and began to eat right out of the jar. Hey it's the pregnancy it makes you hungry.

I walked into the living room and plopped on the love seat with Diana next to me with her feet on my lap.

"So your pregnant." Nathan said.

"Last time I checked I am." I laughed and shoved some Nutella into my mouth.

"I think you name your kid Ester for a girl, and Andy." Diana chirped.

"I think we can wait on the names." I said with a chuckle.

"I can't wait to find out if we're having a boy or a girl." Asher gushed. I giggled at him.

He's so cute when he cares about are child. It's like that with Alphas and Betas. But Alphas are more possessive when it comes to mates and there pups. It just the way it is.

To be honest I want twins. I want a little Asher and a little me running around and growing up here.

"Riley?" Asher said bringing me out of my day dreaming.

"Oh sorry." I said and blushed.

This is going to be one long pregnancy.

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