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I HAD JUST returned from my morning run when I saw Camden walking to his car in sweats and a T-Shirt. Needless to say, he looked too casual to be heading to school, besides, it was some minutes after ten. I called to him, and he waved before asking me to come over to his house. Wondering what was up and why he was home at such a time, I immediately went home to freshen up, then I walked to his house.

“Cam, it’s almost eleven. You should be in school, why are you home?” I asked, puzzled. “Are you okay?”

“Perfectly fine,” he answered. “I slept in.”

“You slept in… or you woke up late?” I followed behind him to the kitchen.

“I did sleep in. Now, I know that sounds bad because it was deliberate, but I pulled an all nighter,” he was now seated on the counter, his gaze fixed on me.

“An all nighter? Why?”

“Because everything is just more beautiful at night.”

I chuckled at his response, “Are you serious?”

“No, I’m just kidding,” he had a small smile on his face. “I… I couldn’t fall asleep. I only fell asleep at five. By the time my alarm went off at six, I just couldn’t get up.”

“W- What about your attendance at school?”

“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” he waved a hand in the air like it didn’t matter.

“Does your mom know you’re home?”

“Nope. She doesn’t need to.”

“Well, what about your school work for today?”

“A friend of mine is going to stop by and drop his notes for me,” he ran his fingers through his hair, an amused look on his face. “You seem more worried for me than I feel for myself.”

“I’m sor—” I stopped myself. There was nothing to apologize for, right? “I just… I don’t know,” I chuckled.

“But hey, think about it. We can actually really hang out on a week day.”

I thought about what he said and I smiled, nodding.

“Have you had breakfast yet?” Camden asked.

“I had some berries before I went out to run.”

“Do you maybe want to have breakfast with me? I’m craving waffles.”

“Yeah, that sounds good.”

“Great. Let’s make it together?”

I rubbed my hands together, “Okay, what do I do?”

He jumped off the counter and walked to pre-heat the waffle iron. “You can mix the dry ingredients. Everything you’ll need is in the cabinet pantry,” I walked to the direction he pointed to.

Opening the cabinet, I was met with all kinds of spices, cereal boxes, snacks, and some appliances. I noticed it was the most organized cabinet pantry I had seen. It made me want to open the others. We had a walk-in pantry at home, because Mom could pass for a home chef. It was big enough to store everything from cookbooks to dozens of food ingredients, but I couldn’t say it was as organized as this.

I caught a glimpse of storage containers labelled ‘flour’, ‘salt and ‘sugar’ respectively. I also took out a small bottle of baking powder.

“Do you follow a particular measurement or do you just do what your heart tells you to do?” I asked him as I set the ingredients down on the island table.

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