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The elevator dings as the doors open to floor eight, my new home. I'm nervous to meet my new roommate, but I was even more nervous to move out. I wasn't like my older sister, who couldn't wait to be free of our parents. I actually enjoyed living at home. And I especially didn't want summer to end.

But here I am, holding a pack of toilet paper in one arm and a backpack full of charging cords in the other, on my first trip of many up to my new room. My mom and dad are at the car, stuffing things into a trolley so it's easier to move, and I was instructed to go back down and get it in a bit.

I sigh and exit the elevator. Now or never, I guess. Looking both ways, I hesitate a couple of seconds before I decide to go left. Somehow, I manage to arrive at my room number at the first door.

"Wow, that was easy." I mumble and read the names on the front door. Tara and Alex. I guess my new roommate was going to be Alex.

This summer, when I had tried to get in contact with her, I tried to be extra nice. I wanted to make a friend even before I arrived at university this year. But that wasn't the case. Apparently, Alex was out of the country and was too busy to answer my email about who should bring a toaster and who should bring a coffee maker. So, I packed both to be safe and but have no idea what she's like.

I suck in a quick and quiet deep breath, then knock. It felt weird, knocking on my own door, but I could hear muffled voices drifting from behind it.

A couple seconds later, the door jerks open and a boy appears. The first thing I notice is how completely startled he looks. His wide blue eyes taking me in, my toilet paper, and my bright pink backpack. But then I also notice his features- his short light blonde hair to go with his sparkling blue eyes with his tall broad shoulders. His earbuds are playing loudly, and I could make out the song, "kickstart my heart" by Moltley Crue.

"Uhhh," I falter, probably looking as equally confused. I then realize that this must be Alex, and my heart does a horrified fluster. Him? I was rooming with him?

Not that I have a problem with rooming with a beautiful guy. I just thought that maybe I would have a girl roommate. I must have had a horrified expression on my face, because he blinks at me.

"Alex?" I ask, trying not to sound too thrown off. At the sound of my voice he seemed to snap out of whatever was affecting him and shook his head. He takes out the earbuds and chuckles at me, "Sorry, no."

He crosses his arms and leans his back against the door, letting me get a view of the dorm. It's a pretty small kitchen, but for a dorm room it's actually quite large. I see a table and two chairs, with a full fridge and stove appliances next to the sink on the counter. It's attached to what looks like a small bathroom that's beside where Not Alex stands. But directly across the kitchen are two doors, an A side and a B side.

The B door is open and I hear the rattling of boxes and tape being ripped. I tentatively take a step inside, casting a nervous glance over at Not Alex.

"Alex, your roommate is here. I'm going for another load," He calls out. He slips out the front door and I watch it slowly shut behind him.

"Oh, okay." I hear a female voice say, and I breathe a tiny sigh of relief.

A head pokes up from behind a stack of boxes in the doorway of the B side. Her hair is frizzy, and mine probably is too, but she smiles at me and steps around the boxes. The kitchen light is harsher, but somehow, she looks even prettier. Her short blonde hair, which is slightly curled in a cute style, and somewhat pale skin make her look like she was probably volleyball team captain in high school.

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