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The next day I really didn't feel like going to school, but I thought better of it. Midterms were this week. I tried to study as much as I could this weekend, but my thoughts kept getting stuck on boys. Stupid boys.

Every time I took a break and walked to the fridge, I was ambushed by Alex and Nate, who took it upon themselves to cheer me up at any cost. Mostly they just annoyed me with offers to go to the club with them. I declined; I wasn't in a dancing mood.

This morning I was slower than usual and I knew if I was going to make it to my test in time, I would pretty much have to run. When I got there, I quickly sat down in the only available seat, the one front and centre.

"Who are all these people?" I quietly ask the girl beside me. The room was packed and I don't remember it ever being that way.

She quickly whispers back as the professor walks in, "Everyone enrolled in the class comes on test day. Lots of people skip the lectures." She explains. I nod and steal a glance at all the faces behind me. Now intimidated by the rest of the class, I take a deep breath and try to focus all my attention on the exam.

I end up taking the full time allowed to write it, and when I'm finally finished, I was one of the last three to hand it in. Thank goodness that's over.

I was just leaving the classroom and rounding the corner to head back to my dorm, when a flash of blonde walks by above everyone else. Evan.

He was talking to Chris by the vending machines and looking about as miserable as I felt. Serves him right.

I watch as a couple of pretty girls purposely bump into them. Chris welcomes them with a warm smile, but I could tell the whole situation made Evan uncomfortable. The look on his face was horrible.

I was proved right a couple seconds later when he untangled himself from them and high fived goodbye to Chris with a fake smile.

Maybe Alex was right, maybe he wasn't a bad guy. Maybe he had feelings after all.


A couple weeks later, I boot up my laptop and set it on my desk. As I wait for it to load, I shuffle through my papers I stuffed inside my folder labelled 'important shit' and try to find what I was looking for. When I finally do, I quickly type in the passwords and logins before the page times out so that I can view my midterm marks.

Just as I was deep in concentration, my phone starts ringing loudly, causing me to jump and curse out loud. I thought I had it set to silent still from class?

"Hello?" I ask, flustered and trying to type in the last line of info. When I hit enter, I turn my full attention to the phone.

"Hello?" I ask again louder. The voice on the other end is muffled and I can't pick out what they are saying. I strain to hear for a couple more seconds before I realize it was Evan's voice emitting from the phone.

"Hey Fox, is Alex there?" he asks in a louder voice, he must have been talking to someone else beforehand.

"E-Evan?" I ask in disbelief. "How did you get this number?"

"Sometime when I came over." He says simply.

"What do you mean? I never gave..." I trail off.

"No. You didn't. But once you went to sleep, I went into your phone and found it."

I leap up from my chair, "You were in my phone?!" I can't keep the shock from my voice.

He laughs quietly, "No. Calm down. Alex gave it to me in case of emergencies. Like right now, so is she there?"

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