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"What the hell, Tara?" Her words echo in my head. I hold my breath and try to hold back my tears. I'd hate myself if I lost my friends.

"Is that why he's been so different lately? He's been dating you?" She asks and I gasp.


"Yeah, he seems less assholish lately. I didn't know it was you. Maybe you're good for him?" Rae adds, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

He does seem kind of different to me than when I first met him. I thought I imagined it because I wanted it to be true.

"So... you're not mad?" I squeak out and look at my toes.

"Well you could have told me, but no. I'm not mad," She says and I look up to see her telling the truth.

I let out a big sigh of relief and they both laugh.

"Now, let's finish getting ready. Tonight, we're wearing dresses!"

"Dresses?" I ask the same time Alex shouts "Dresses!"

It seems I've been outvoted.

"Here, try this on." Alex throws a skimpy dress at me.

"Uhh..." I start. If this goes the same way the shirt that I borrowed did, then there's no way I can fit into it.

"There's no way she's going to fit that." Rae reads my thoughts and snatches it away from me.

"Here try this," she hands me a black dress instead. I eye it warily, but try it on because it's a size or two bigger.

It's a body hugging little black dress with a modest neckline and long sleeves, it reaches mid-thigh and I like it more than the skimpy dresses they're wearing.

"Damn girl. Evan won't be able to keep his hands off of you."

I blush, I know they're just being nice, but I was never good with compliments.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, your ass is great. Now I just have to finish my eyes before we go."

I end up helping her and continue to joke along with them, relieved that I still have my friends.


We end up being late because I didn't have enough "pre-game drinks". So, we start dancing and sharing a six pack of beer in her room, and before we know it, it's past time to be downstairs.

It was fun, but now it's after 9:30 and Evan said he would be here at nine. I pull out my phone out of my purse in the elevator to see I have a bunch of texts. All from him. Crap.

The doors finally open and we stumble out. I find him easily with the other guys all lounging in the chairs in the corner of the lobby.

He's smiling politely at something Chris is saying when his eyes turn to me. He does a full sweep of my dress and stalls on my legs before coming back up to my face again. I am burning inside.

"Hey, babe," Alex says to Nate and Rae goes over to Chris.

Evan stands up and walks the last couple steps to me.

"You look beautiful," he tells me and leans in closer to my ear. I brace myself for something sexy.

"Don't ever leave me with those idiots when you look like that ever again," He jokes and I feel his breath on my neck. I try to laugh but shudder instead.

"Hey, you guys ready?" Alex asks with a wink and Evan pulls me along beside him. Good thing, because I think I forget how to walk.

I'm afraid there might be a big awkward confrontation between Alex and Evan about us going out, but if there is, or was, I never noticed.

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