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Being the nervous eater that I am, I decide to have a snack before meeting Evan. I don't know what we're going to be doing that needs me to dress warm, but a snack isn't a bad idea in case we aren't eating.

It's just after eight when he sends me a text that he's here.

I scramble down the elevator and easily find Evan in the lobby. As I walk up to him, I can't help but stare openly and stupidly. He still dresses and looks hot, but he seems more relaxed. And a little more distant to everyone else in the room. Like he's not trying as hard to be the centre of attention.

"Hey," he smiles at me while he shoves his hands in his pockets, then rocks awkwardly back on his heels.

"I wasn't sure you were going to come." He says sheepishly.

"Well, I'm here." I said, not wanting to think about why I actually did come. I don't want to betray Alex, but I'm curious about him. He nods and turns towards the door.

"I parked over here." He tells me and opens the main door for me.

"Evan. Hey, man!" A couple guys walk past us and one goes for a high five. He does an awkward grimace but recovers with a fake smile and gives him a high five back. He doesn't say anything.

"See you around, man!" They go inside.

I raise an eyebrow at him and he shakes his head and keeps walking. I follow behind him and shamelessly look at his ass. Those are really nice jeans.

He stops in front of his truck and turns around. I barely have time to look up again, but blush anyway. He grins like he knows what I was doing, then moves around and opens the passenger side door for me. Reluctantly, I follow him and get in.

It's a nice truck, the seats aren't ripped up or anything, but I can tell it's not new. I do up my seatbelt as he climbs in his side. "Where are we going again?" I attempt to clear the air.

"You'll see. I said it was a surprise." He winks at me. I resist his charm and narrow my eyes at him.

He laughs, "Don't worry, I'm not an axe murderer or anything like that."

I give him a skeptical look and he laughs again before starting the truck. I try to hide my own smile. Who knew I could make him laugh like that?

We drive for a while, but don't talk. The city seems to be alive tonight, but pretty soon we're on our way out of the city. I turn from the window and look at Evan, but he just smiles and keeps looking at the road. After a few more minutes, we turn off the main highway, and head in another direction.

"Uhh, Evan?" I ask.

"Mmm," he hums sweetly, not aware of the butterflies growing in my stomach.

"What is this place?" I mutter and look out the front windshield.

"Home." He says simply and I jump in my seat in surprise. It looks different in the dark than when I saw it on game night all those weeks ago. We drive past the still expensive looking farmhouse. The three stories overlook the huge farmyard and I can see most of the lights in the house are out. I look back over at him as he continues to take us through the yard to park beside a huge barn.

He runs a hand through his hair and finally turns to look at me.

"You brought me home?" I ask, bewildered. He sucks in a breath and points up instead.


I lean forward and crane my neck to look through the windshield. "What?"

"Here," he says and opens his door. I throw open mine and follow him around the back of the truck.

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