Chapter 10

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     Marisa and I were cleaning up the dining table by picking up the plates and dusting off the leftovers. After dinner, the princesses left a mess that Marisa and I had to clean up. It was weird being around Flynn and being supposedly in love with him, but also having to serve him. It was a strange dynamic that left me wondering if the princesses knew we were lying. The King and Queen hardly looked like they believed us.

     "I don't get it," Marisa said. "How in the world did you and Flynn end up dating? I feel so blindsided. You didn't even tell me."

     My eyes widened. Standing up, I looked to Marisa and saw the hurt look she wore. I didn't realize I never told her what was going on.

     "I'm so sorry," I said. "I've just been so busy that I wasn't able to tell you, but Flynn and I are in a fake relationship. He asked me to be his fake girlfriend so all the princesses and his parents can back off and leave him alone, and I agreed to help him."

     Marisa's eyes widened at my words. She walked over to me, her eyes glancing around, seeming nervous.

     "Wait, really?" Marisa asked. "You're his fake girlfriend?"

     "Yeah, it was Flynn's idea. All his."

     Flushing, I wondered why I felt the need to defend myself. But from the way Marisa frowned, I braced myself for her attack.

     "I can't believe you're helping him," Marisa said, shaking her head. "He doesn't deserve it. After what he did to you... He doesn't deserve your kindness. You should let him suffer."

     I flushed. Marissa looked disappointed in me and I gulped.

     "Are you doing this because you're in love with Flynn?" Marisa asked. "Is this your way of dating him like you've always wanted to?"

     I shook my head vigorously. I so badly wanted to deny it, to tell Marias I wasn't that pathetic. But, I couldn't bare to lie. Because deep down, I wasn't just doing this for Flynn. I was also doing this to fulfill my selfish needs.

     "Sorry, I don't mean to be so harsh," Marisa said, sighing. "But Helena, keep your heart safe, okay? Flynn is selfish and he's doing what's best for him. He doesn't care about what happens to you, so don't get too attached. Don't let him hurt you again. Got it?"

     I grew quiet. Lowering my eyes, I was left to think about how Flynn once broke my heart. He seemed to regret it, but something in my heart knew that wasn't enough. Because if Flynn could break my heart once, he could do it again. And here I was, handing him my heart once again.


     I was scurrying back to my room, ready to knock out after a long, busy day. I lifted my skirts up to run faster, thrilled I was finally done with my chores. But then, I heard someone say my name.

     I stopped running and turned around. My eyes widened as standing before me was Natasha. She was wearing a huge pink gown, her hands on her hips as she glowered at me. Her blonde hair was up in a bun and lips were pursed.

     "Yes?"I said, confused.

     "I don't get it," Natasha said, walking closer to me. "How did someone like you win Flynn's heart."

     Her eyes ran down the length of me and when she brought her eyes back up to meet mine, she looked disgusted by what she saw. Embarrassed, I tried to conceal my emotions. The last thing I wanted was for Natasha to realize she was getting to me.

     "You know, there's more to people than the way they look," I said. "Personality is enough to win someone's heart."

     "What personality do you have?" Natasha asked, scoffing. "You're boring. Plain, ugly and so dull. Flynn is going crazy if he thinks being with you is better than being with a princess."

     My eyes narrowed at Natasha. Her words were like whips. Lashing out to attack me, to wound and break me down. But standing my ground, I put my hands on my hips, uncaring about the fact that she was a princess.

     "You know, you may be beautiful on the outside, but you're hideous on the inside," I said. "I know you're trying to hurt me. You want to make me insecure and question my relationship with Flynn, but I know Flynn. I know he likes me and he chose me over all his other possible suitors. I won't let anyone question my relationship with Flynn."

     Natasha's eyes flew wide. For a mere second, she looked offended, hurt by what I said. But then, she glowered at me, trembling with anger.

     "How dare you speak to me like that servant!" Natasha shouted. "I'll have you know that I'm better than you. I'm a princess and what are you? A servant. A pathetic, useless servant. You may think Flynn loves you, but he's using you. You're just his toy and he'll play with you until you're all used up and then he'll toss you away. I rather be in my position than yours."

     I winced at Natasha's words. Flushing, I scolded myself for letting her whip touch me, to scorch me and I looked away. As I wondered if she was right, if Flynn was really toying around with me, using me until he was bored, I couldn't meet her eyes. And mad at myself for letting her words get to me, I glowered.

     "You don't know Flynn," I said. "Flynn isn't cruel. He could have anyone, but he chose me."

     "Sweetheart, let me remind you once again who you are," Natasha said. "You're a servant. And there's no way Flynn Evans will end up with a servant, even if for some wild reason, he wants to. And you should know his parents. They're disgusted that you two are dating."

     My cheeks heated up. Natasha was smirking, looking pleased with herself and I stepped away. Exhausted from our conversation, I was ready to leave.

     "Well, have fun with the few weeks you have left with Flynn," Natasha said, smiling sweetly. "And be prepared to have Flynn toss you away. It'll happen soon."

     Natasha smiled widely, her eyes gleaming with mischief. She then lifted her skirts and walked off, and numbly, I whirled around. My heart was aching, my mind buzzing with questions as I dragged myself to my room.

     Tossing myself in bed, I thought about how badly I wished I could tell Natasha she was wrong. I wanted to prove to her that what she said wasn't true, but I knew I couldn't. Flynn was only toying me. I was his fake girlfriend. But at the thought of him tossing me aside once he was done with me, my heart sunk. And closing my eyes, I fell asleep to dreams of Flynn playing chess and me being one of his pawns. And only when he got to the king, would he yell checkmate and toss me aside.

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