Chapter 11

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     I was setting the sheets of Flynn's bed. He wasn't in his room. He was off, talking to his parents and I hummed to myself. I tried my best to forget about what Natasha said. But, it was hard to when Flynn crushed me and threw me away like trash a year ago.

     "Helena!" Flynn exclaimed, throwing the door to his room open.

     Flynn pranced towards me, looking thrilled. I blinked, surprised by his demeanour.

     "Yes?" I said.

     "My parents want you to join us for golfing!" Flynn exclaimed. "All the princesses will be joining us. It'll be fun. I'll be right at your side."

     Worried, I stood there, debating on whether to join. After my encounter with Natasha, I didn't want to spend time with the princesses. Not when it was clear they hated me.

     "Come on, Helena," Flynn said. "It'll be fun. And it'll help convince everyone that we're in love."

     Sighing, I nodded. When it came to Flynn, I was left to fall into his arms, helpless against his words.

     "Okay," I said. "For you, I'll do this."

     Flynn smiled and together, we went to join everyone else on the golfing trip.


     Flynn and I were at a mini golf club. It was outdoors on a grassy field, empty other than the princesses, Flynn's parents and Flynn and I. The place was decorated with cute windmills, farm animals and more. I'd never been golfing and growing nervous, I stuck to Flynn's sides.

     Flynn and I were standing off to the second golf course while the other princesses were still on the first. We decided to be a team. Flynn had done the first course and it was my turn to do the second.

     "Um," I said. "I've never golfed before. I'm kind of scared I'll embarrass myself in front of your parents."

     Glancing at the King and Queen, I saw they were watching me. They had grim expressions, their wrinkles on their forehead prominent. My heart pounded and I dreaded embarrassing myself in front of them.

     "Do you want me to help you?" Flynn asked.

     "Yes, please," I said.

     Flynn gestured for me to step onto the course and I did. I stood to the side of the golf ball, holding my gold club in place. Biting my lip, I awaited Flynn's instructions on how to get a hole in one.

     But then, my eyes widened as Flynn stepped behind me. He wrapped his arms around my body, his hands landing on top of my hands that were holding the golf club. He was pressed against me, his warm body firm against mine. I blushed furiously, unable to believe what he was doing.

     "What are you doing?" I asked, my voice shaking.

     "Helping you," Flynn said. "I'll lead you through the motions."

     I glanced at Flynn's parents, unable to help it. Their eyebrows were furrowed as they watched us. Stunned, I stiffened.

     "Flynn..." I said. "Isn't this a bit... inappropriate."

     "We're lovers," Flynn whispered into my ears. I shivered at how near he was. "This is normal for lovers to do."

     I nodded numbly. We were pretending to be in love and this was normal. This shouldn't phase me. But yet, my knees were weak as Flynn kept his body pressed against mine.

     Flynn led me through the motions to golf then. His hand were still on top of mine as he swung the golf club back and then forward, knocking the ball forward. It flew and neared the hole and I gasped as it ended up rolling only a few millimeters away.

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