Chapter 22

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     Marisa and I were standing off to the side of the dinner room. All the princesses sat at the table. Flynn sat there as well and his parents sat across from him, their eyes on their roast turkey in front of them. Marisa and I just served all of them and we now stood off to the side, awaiting any orders.

     "Why isn't your servant at the table?" Natasha sneered. Marisa rolled her eyes next to me and I sighed, realizing Natasha was about to be overjoyed. "She's acting like she's just your servant now."

     Flynn winced at Natasha's words. The entire table grew quiet then. Everyone was looking to Flynn, awaiting his answer as he straightened up and looked to everyone.

     "Well," Flynn said. "I made a mistake. I still love Helena, but... I hurt her."

     Everyone gasped. The Queen's eyes darted to me and she looked pleased and the King looked confused. My heart began to pound against my chest. Everyone was now talking excitedly amongst each other.

     And then, Flynn looked to me. His eyes full of longing, full of pain and regret, and I gulped. And my heart skipped a beat. As Flynn's eyes lingered on me, my heart raced and I cursed myself.

     "Ignore Flynn," Marisa whispered. "Just keep ignoring him."

     I nodded. It was easier said than done, however.

     "Well, if your relationship has fallen apart, you must pick a princess soon," Queen Astoria said. Her eyes were lit up and the tips of her lips were turning up. This was the first time I'd ever seen the Queen happy. "You're almost twenty one, Flynn. You must wed now."

     "But I want Helena," Flynn said. "And only Helena. No one else with do."

     A few princesses gasped and Amara's eyes softened. My own heart began to race. As Flynn kept his eyes on his mother, challenging her, I was left in awe of how confident he said those words. Only a week ago, he said he was confused about me. But now, Flynn was sounding so confident my knees grew weak.

     "That is enough," Queen Astoria said. "Stop wasting everyone's time. Helena is clearly over you and for the kingdom's sake, you need to pick someone. And if you don't, we will make you marry someone. Most likely Natasha."

      "I rather die than marry Natasha," Flynn spat. "You can't force me to marry anyone."

     Natasha shot Flynn a glare, but her eyes then darted to me. She smirked. She looked pleased and I sighed. I hated letting her win and I prayed that somehow, Natasha and Flynn wouldn't end up together.

     "Then pick a princess soon, Flynn," King Orion said. He put his head in his hands, looking exhausted. "That's all we ask of you. If you don't want to end up with Natasha, then pick someone you do want to be with. All these princesses have come from all over the world for you and you have been selfishly making them wait for you."

     Flynn's jaw clenched. He glared at his parents and the Queen glared back. They were having a stare down. Their eyes challenging each other.

     And after a moment, Flynn shot up and he stormed off. His hand were in fists and my eyes followed him out the door. Marisa glanced at me, looking worried.

     "Well, this is perfect!" Natasha exclaimed, once the door shut close. "Flynn is free! Any of us can win his heart now."

     Natasha looked back at me then. She was smirking, looking thrilled and I narrowed my eyes at her. There was no way Flynn would end up with her. I was confident about that, but yet, I grew uneasy at the idea of the King and Queen making him marry Natasha.


     I was laying in bed, thinking about the hectic dinner I had. It was out. Now everyone knew Flynn and I were no longer together, but instead of feeling thrilled at the idea, my heart ached. It was strange. One part of me never wanted to see Flynn again, but the other part of me didn't want to let Flynn go. I hated what love could do to a person.

     I jumped when I heard a knock on the door. Stunned, I sat up and hesitated, before I got up and went to the door. And when, I opened it, I grew surprised to see Flynn there.

     "I know you don't want to talk to me about this anymore, but let me say one more thing," Flynn whispered. "Just please. One last talk."

     I sighed and nodded, and I stepped into my room. Flynn followed me and the door fell shut.

     "I'm sorry for everything," Flynn said. "I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry for using you at times. But, I love you, Helena. I love you and only you, and I'm not saying this because of my parents and their pressure. I'm saying this because I love you and I want another chance to be with you."

     My eyes teared up. Flynn's words were so raw and honest, and I was so tired. I was so tired of fighting back my feelings, of rejecting Flynn and hurting myself. All I wanted to do was confess that I was in love with him. That he was the only man I ever loved, but I knew this wasn't right. Flynn toyed with me for too long and even if I could forgive him, Flynn and I could never be. His mother would never allow it and there was no point in fighting for this. No point in risking my job and getting hurt again.

     "You know, for so long I did everything for you. Whatever you asked for, I would do because I really cared for you," I whispered. "But, I have to choose myself now. You toyed with me for way too long and I have to move on."

     Flynn looked so pained. So hurt and my eyes lowered.

     "I didn't mean to toy with you. I was just so lost and confused for so long," Flynn whispered. "But now I know. Now I know I want you. I love you, Helena. Believe me when I say that."

     I shook my head.

     "I want someone who's sure of me," I said. "I don't want someone who second guesses me, who thinks it's okay to throw me away. I know your mother can be horrible, but... I don't know. I'm just tired of being hurt."

     Flynn's eyes were full of sorrow and I sighed. It was all so tiring. And staring at Flynn, I couldn't help but regret getting tangled up with him again.

     "I won't hurt you again," Flynn whispered. "I can promise you that."

     "Flynn, I don't understand why you're fighting so hard for this," I said. "We can never be. Even if you and I want to be together, we can't be. You mother and your kingdom and the world won't allow it. We come from two different worlds and our worlds can't collide."

      Flynn's bottom lip quivered. His eyes were full of tears and I had to yank my eyes away. My heart ached. Sorrow consumed me as I wondered what I would do.

     "I don't know what to do," Flynn said. "I just don't know."

     "This is goodbye," I said, looking to him again. "I hope you don't end up with Natasha and somehow, you can avoid marriage altogether. You deserve happiness and I wish you all the best."

     "But, I want a happily ever after with you."

     "And unfortunately, you won't get one."

     Flynn's eyes widened at my blunt words. He stared at me for a moment and I sighed before turning around.

     "Have a good life, Flynn Evans," I said.

     I walked to my bed and sat down, and when I looked back at Flynn, he was already turned around and he walked off. And soon, he left my room and the door clicked shut, and I was left to stare up at the ceiling, wondering why this had to be life. Why did I have to be a servant? And why did Flynn have to be a Prince? We were star crossed simply because of the path we were given and I hated how our paths were never meant to meet.

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