Chapter 13

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     I sat next to Flynn at the dinner table. Across from us were the King and Queen and the rest of the princesses were also seated at the dinner table. On our plates were fresh ham and salad and I was nibbling away, my heart pounding with nerves. It was strange. I never thought I'd be seated with royalty. I was so used to being the one to serve them and it was a weird dynamic.

     "You okay?" Flynn whispered to me.

     "I am," I said, flushing.

     Flynn gave me a look and I smiled. He then shook his head and returned to eating.

     "So, Helena," Queen Astoria said. "How does it feel to be seated with us for once? Usually you'd be the one serving us."

     "Um," I said, flushing. "Nice, I guess. I'm honoured to be here."

     Flynn straightened up to give his mother a levelled look. I simply smiled, unbothered by the Queen's question.

     "It's strange, isn't it," Queen Astoria said. "You and Flynn are dating, but you serve him. At the end of the day you're his servant. It must feel odd."

     "Mother," Flynn said.

     I blushed, unsure of what the Queen wanted me to say. Flynn was glaring at his mother, his grip on his utensils tightening.

     "I'm just saying it's interesting," Queen Astoria said. She had a hand propped beneath her chin, holding her face up as she leaned forward. "It's a type of love that I'm not sure will last."

     "Why don't you think it'll last?" Amara asked, frowning. Surprised, I glanced at Amara, who's eyebrows were furrowed as she stared at the Queen.

     "Oh, it's just so complicated," Queen Astoria said. "Being a Queen isn't an easy job. I know from personal experience and I'm not sure Helena is ready for what it entails."

     "I agree," King Orion said. "Royalty undersand what it's like to rule a kingdom better. Helena comes from a different world. And I'm afraid she'll struggle to fit into ours."

     My eyes glanced between the King and Queen. My cheeks were heating up as embarrassment washed over me. Everyone was staring at me. They were waiting for me to reply, but I had nothing to say. I couldn't disagree with what they said, but it was obvious they were trying to hurt me.

     "Mother. Father. Stop trying to scare Helena off," Flynn said. "She will be the perfect Queen. Her heart is pure and her mind is clear. This love is unexpected, but it's a true one."

     Queen Astoria's eyes hardened. Her mouth was set in a grim line and the King sighed. I glanced at Flynn, appreciating him. So far, he'd been honest about protecting me.

     "I don't get it," Natasha said. "Didn't you make an entire speech about how you hate love and how love was a trap. How in the world did you end up with the servant then? And why do you keep proclaiming your love and protecting her?"

     Flynn hesitated next to me. His cheeks flushed and I stared at him, surprised by his reaction. My eyes were locked on his face as he kept his eyes on Natasha.

     "When you fall in love, like in true, genuine love, you realize that your views on love are foolish," Flynn said. "When you fall in love, you break down every barrier, every fear, and every worry and all you want to do is be with the person you love. So yes, I used to think love was a trap. But then I fell in love with Helena and I realized that love is freeing. It's beautiful and something I want in my life."

     Natasha's eyes widened and so did many of the other princesses in the room. They gaped at Flynn and Flynn smiled, and I blushed. My heart melted at his words. Despite knowing they were all for show, I couldn't help but smile.

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