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Camilla's POV

I don't think I've ever gotten myself in so much shit. Jack hates me, dad is very unhappy with how a grown woman can act the way I did and Charlie is in hospital. And it was my fault. I can't believe that I caused this, I couldn't believe it. I had said a few bad things but they weren't that bad, were they? Charlie's replacement is called Baxter. How...mysterious. For any if this to even slightly go my way, I would have to not come close to killing a second bodyguard.

"Camilla!" My father's voice sounded through the house.

I timidly made my way down the steps towards the front door where he was stood, my head down in shame. Baxter sure chose his moments not to show up with me.

"I've told you countless of times to keep your opinion away from people's personal preferences. Who Charlie likes has nothing to do with you. And don't get me started on your brother, I am very disappointed in you Camilla. You weren't raised like this. Figure out a way to fix it. An apology is a good start."He spoke, then made his way back out the door and to work I suppose, not even waiting for my response. I should have kept my opinion to myself, for once.

"I'll take you." Baxter said from behind me. He was one of Jack's men. I'm surprised he took the job to be honest, but I suppose he couldn't really say no.

"I need to change first, if I'm going to the hospital I may as well get a shift in whilst I can." I murmured.

"I don't recommend doing that. I was given strict orders not to let you work." Baxter said, a frown taking over his face.

"Well I'm going to work. It's your choice how you approach your side of the contract. As long as you don't get me killed then I'm sure me working will not cause you any issues." I said, shutting my bedroom door as I changed into my scrubs.


Charlie's POV


Stupid alarm. I felt around and nearly fell out of bed until I was caught by delicate arms.

"Charlie will you be careful?"Murmured a familiar voice. Mum. I tried opening my eyes, but they wouldn't. I tried multiple times and nothing.

"Mum." I said, barely even managing to actually say it, struggling to open my eyes.

"I know darling, just give it time." She said. She sounded so caring, so loving. After a while, my eyes drooped open and I was met by an intense light.

"Miss Henderson found you unconscious, she called an ambulance straight away." She explained.

"What's wrong with me?" I whispered out.

"They had to pump your stomach Charlie. I didn't think you went near alcohol anymore?"She interrogated.

I looked away, avoiding her question but I knew full well that she wouldn't let it go. "Tell me Charlie" she demanded. "I'm your mother."

"You left." I deadpanned. A tear escaped her eye. I looked at her confused as all of her emotions that she had ever felt were now coming to light in one go.

"Charlie, I didn't leave willingly, I promise, I would never have left just because you're gay. I'm so proud of you Charlie, I really am." She explained.

"Please go Mum, any other time but now." She left after checking with the doctor that I'm okay.

"Wait!" I shouted out to her. Her head popped back around the door and waited for my question.

"Who's watching Camilla?"

"Out of all of the questions you asked one about her. I think his name's Barry or something. Jack knows him."


"Yeah him. I'm sure she'll be fine with him." She said, before turning and disappearing out the way of the door.

What did she mean willingly. She didn't want to leave? Then why did she? Trouble with the mafia, my father, some bad people? She knows that I would have took care of them, but she didn't tell me. What is going on...? Then the door opened once again, Camilla's blue scrubs coming into view. Her hands clutched onto a chart, the only acceptable guess being that it was mine.

"You consumed twice the amount of alcohol a person should consume. I know I don't need to tell you that it was incredibly dangerous and foolish of you. Your mother made it abundantly clear that you're not much if a drinker, so the effects of it would have been much worse. On your chart it says that you were sober Charlie. For years. The last time you were admitted to hospital was five years ago. You need to tell me now if drinking is going to become an every day thing, so I can fill in your chart in case this happens again." She spoke, sternly may I add. This was the professional side of her, one I rarely see.

"It won't." I dismissed her.

"I am here as your doctor Charlie. This is nothing personal, I'm trying to do my job." She said, exhausted from the fighting.

"So was I. You made it personal. I could have gone forever hiding whatever I felt for you but you strung me along."

"Charlie. Please don't. I'm sorry. I know the likelihood of this whole thing being my fault is very high. You're family, you. They're so much more than me. You are so much more than someone like me."

"Don't be ridiculous. I would have died for you Camilla. If I didn't think my job was worthwhile I would not be doing it. Your family is so important to us. I am no better than you. Believe me. I think you're amazing. You're strong, you know when to stick up for yourself even though sometimes you do it in the wrong way. You save lives, what more could I ask for?" I said as I slowly got out of bed.

"There's something you need to know. Your dad. He's not the Mafia King. They're just waiting for you." She said, looking down at her chart.

"Why would they wait for me?" I asked, confused as my hands wrapped around the bed frame, knowing that theres was only really one thing she could say.

"You're the Mafia Queen. And I really need you to believe me." She said, looking up worried.

"I do. I've believed anything you've ever said."

"B-but no, you're meant to hate me after everything."She said as I crept towards her slowly.

"Now why would I do that." I teased.

"B-because you should, I'm bad news, you don't want to know me, the things that you're capable of when you finally take up the title, you don't want to be involved with me when you're running the underworld..."I cut her off with a kiss. Just one single peck.

I mean, what did I have to lose? She looked up at me, her hand making harsh contact with my cheek. My hands grasped ahold of the bed to keep me steady, still not completely sturdy on my feet. But her face held terror and nothing but that. She walked out and for the rest of my time in hospital, she didn't show her face again.I was too fast in trusting her with my feelings from the beginning, but I knew she was trying to hide the fact that she was gay. It took me stepping back for her to react. She didn't jump away from it, so she wasn't disgusted. She says things to offend me to deflect it off her. But I'm not stopping now.

She will accept she's gay eventually, and I'm helping her do that. I know how hard it is to accept yourself, I had that trouble years ago. I was going to help her, support her and everything she needed. Yes she had hurt me, but when I was going through the same as she was, I tried pushing away everyone too. I want to save her the hurt that I hadn't managed to avoid.

Unwilling To Hate You (MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now